Will Allen

Thanks, Justice Brennan. I guess that means my right to be in the lobby of my City Hall during business hours extends to sitting in the office of the mayor for as long as I would like, after my meeting with him becomes contentious, and I coudn’t be arrested for trespass, since I wasn’t being ordered to leave City

Yeah, critiquing typos is always a fruitful path of argument. I understand that you don’t give as shit what the law is. It is unfortunate, however, that you are too fucking (did I type that correctly?) stupid to undertand that you can legally be forcibly removed from property that you have no legal right to occupy,

Greg Howard, when he writes...

Do you know what powers have been designated to teachers, by administrators in that school district? I’d be surprised if they have not been explicitly granted the power to order students from the classroom.

It’s not your problem that you can’t read?

Yes, it is depending on how the local ordnance is written. Yes, the people who have legal authority over a school building can legally order you to leave a room, or designate someone to order you to leave a room, and if the local ordnance has a provision for trespass of public buildings, it likely covers such a

The one where they can decipher sentences like.....

Which is what I wrote in my first sentence of the post you are responding to.

Did your illiteracy prevent you from reading the first sentence I wrote, where I said the violence employed by the offcier was excessive, making his termination from employment the proper outcome? Or are are you just too fucking lazy to read what people wrote? Or do you just want to argue so badly that you’ll pretend

The officer should clearly be fired for using violence in an illegitmate way, due to it being excessive. That doesn’t change the fact that when you refuse to leave real estate that you have no legal power to control, after being asked to leave by those who do have such legal power, you are trespassing, and

One does not need to sob to recognize the plain fact that the assertions you have subscribed to in this thread are divorced from empirical reality. You have the intellect of a kicking tee. Endeavor to be less cretinous, please.

Yes, moron, the way to evaluate recruiting is to focus on one position out of 85 scholorships given. Good grief, how do you manage to feed yourself?

No, it isn’t spot-on, half-wit. Here’s one sentence from it......

Every job he took was a 2 or 3 win team when he arrived. He turned them all into winning teams by his 3rd year. Minnesota could’t even get anyone to interview for the job when they decided to call him. It was remarkable for him to produce consecutive 8-5 seasons. You don’t know what you are talking about.

Hey, idiot? You don’t evaluate the quality of a recruiting region by total population. You evaluate it by the number of high quality high school football players produced. No, Minnesota does not rank highly in that regard. The University of Minnesota has the worst football training facilities in the Big Ten. When Kill

There is no polite way to say this. You are a moron with regard to evaluating coaching performances. Every job he took was with a team that won 2 or 3 games the year before he arrived. He quickly built teams that won more than they lost. Minnesota has the worst football training facilities in the Big Ten. You don’t

If you want some sense of the integrity of this guy, look at how long his assistants have worked with him. In a profession populated with a nearly uncountable number of shitbags, who would sell their family into slavery for a better lease on a Lexus from a shitbag booster, Kill’s assistants have been with him for

If he was the butt of any jokes, it was from people who don’t know a football from a goddamned watermelon. In contrast, to anyone with passing familiarity with the sport, he was a well above average college football coach.

Er, human rights are the essence of politics.

I wonder how much thought they have given to the person their father tried to kill?