Will Allen

He was interviewed while drinking beer prior to being hired by Snyder. It’s very likely he’s been drinking all along, and what is less substantiated is whether his drinking is iterfering with his job performance again.

Moderation strategies can work for some, but I’d bet the kind of drinker who hides his boozing by putting vodka in his gatorade bottles is the kind of drinker for whom moderation is a very, very, very, elusive goal. Probably works better for the guy who would prefer to not drink anything, if getting hammered on a good

McCloughan is a guy who used to conceal his efforts at intoxication by putting vodka in his bottles of Gatorade, and then after he acknowledged that being chronically hammered caused him real harm, and stopping drinking for a while, went back to drinking beer, and said that doing so wasn’t a problem. This was all

Several students have already been recommended for expulsion, despite the fact that hearings where evidence was presented and tested was closed to the public. That’s not acceptable for a government entity.

A land grant university is not just a school; it is the government. The University of Minnesota receives 600 million dollars a year from Minnesota taxpayers, about 2.5% of the revenues collected from them. The University’s top managers, the regents, are selected by the Minnesota legislature. That makes the University

The University can expel students for noncooperation. The police need to have evidence that they can use to convict a person on another charge, to gain leverage with which to force cooperation.

Absent evidence tested in an open hearing, by people expert at the task, I really don’t know what to make of this. I certainly suspect that some of the 10 men/boy had sex with the woman nonconsensually, but when the University’s report starts asserting that the alleged victim began to remember details she previously

How many ecamples include video which directly counter the alleged victim’s account? Why are you too stupid to examine the evidence?

Read the source material, you gibbering lackwit. The police report also described her as a willing participant in the video.

From the Star Tribune.....

Yeah, unfortunately, this is unlikely to go to trial, or even produce a full series of depositions, allowing the public to obtain full knowledge of what happened. Briles is searching for a settlement offer, and Baylor will probably provide it.

1. The next time you hear some dope say, in regards to the outcome of a contest, that something “can’t happen” or “will happen”, remember this. Any slob with a high two digit I.Q. who hangs out at a horse track or sports book for 3 weeks begins to understand that really unexpected outcomes happen all the time, it’s

Not just pulled the starter, but pulled him, with a runner on first, for another starter who neither holds runners at all, and who is a crappy fielder. That makes zero sense.

Tell dopes with a proclivity to sit on railings in tall stairwells to buy seats in the lower level?

The CBAs in the other sports do not require guaranteed contracts. In fact, sometimes team options exist, just like the do in the NFL. The reality is that individual NFL players have less leverage because the rosters are so large, and because the rate of injury is so high. If it was negotiated in the CBA that team

Leonard Little and Donte Stallworth were convicted of manslaughter after killing people while driving drunk. Both continued to have NFL careers.

I don’t care what Noah does or does not do. The idea of a multimillionaire, many times over, claiming to be a pacifist, while being too stupid to grasp that it is human beings with weapons threatening to kill other human beings, which affords him his lifestyle, is pretty funny.

Yes, you can blame the media. This isn’t complicated. If you have zero facts of a matter, don’t speculate in a manner that reflects poorly on a person central to the matter.

There are large numbers of people in the general public who have a reasonable interest in obtaining indisputable proof of Paul’s physical condition. There is no parallel interest in obtaining such proof that Bollea had sex with his then-friend’s wife.

If the guy doesn’t want to stand during the anthem, I really don’t care. Frankly, I wish the tradition of playing the anthem before games would be done away with; it’s way too superficially preachy for my taste, like a kneeling in prayer in the end zone after a touchdown. Patriotism, like religion, is a serious