
Great article; the power of words. Anslinger was also responsible for murdering Billie Holiday, and supplied Joe McCarthy with his pharmaceutical heroin connection. Anslinger himself used morphine for angina, and his men were working for drug lords to keep drugs illegal, and keep drug lords wealthy. See “Chasing

I don’t know if this was done on purpose, to dis the situation, or if your tax dollars hire only the best. Probably the first.

There are beautiful places, and not so nice places in every country in the world. Drive from Newark Airport to Port Authority, and there is not a blade of grass to be seen, most buildings, tall and looming, are boarded up and look abandoned, and this goes on for more perhaps 40 or more minutes, street to street, as

Bfunk; you would love Perkins. A lot of questions get answered, and a lot of solutions offered in his great works; eye opening; he found his soul and heart when his child was born, and he met other human beings of the world. God’s children we are all.

John Perkins grew a conscience after looking his child in the eye, and has written some great books that I found therapeutic even. The truth is revealed. “Confessions of an Economic Hitman” and “Secrets of the American Empire”; most importantly, he offers solutions. Perkins is a great American patriot. There is

Well said!

Picklenose; Well said!

There is a town in Germany where they hold a public weigh-in before every mayoral election; if an incumbent has gained weight, it can be assumed he (or she?) did so at the public trough. Such is used by the voters in their determination of which candidate they will vote for. Fun (and very serious) stuff!

For positive answers, look up LEAP. Join, speak up. Law Enforcement Action PARTNERSHIP. For sane solutions...

I wasn’t there, but the police speech story appears to be very bad medicine with both the person speaking, and the audience. I do know there are a lot of police who find such disgusting. Perhaps I am spoiled living in Boulder, Colorado. There are many good police who are indeed, peace officers.

And the American Psychiatric Association has a diagnosis labeled “Teenage Defiance Disorder”...I love to laugh...

“Won the Civil War”; I am still laughing; out loud, and sadly. “The surest sense of sanity is a sense of humor” Hunter S. Thompson

I gotta note, that many polls are done with people who have land line phones. Such speaks to itself, as to accuracy, or lack thereof...

Harry Anslinger mentored young Joe Arpaio. Anslinger was a racist, paranoid sadist that Mr. Arpaio kept reminders of in his Arizona office. Anslinger was also friends with Joe McCarthy, who was a heroin addict; Anslinger arranged for a D.C. pharmacy to keep McCarthy supplied. (“Chasing the Scream”- Johann Hari)