
Hmmm. There’s a lot of TV plots that depend on that not happening...guess no fake deaths or insurance scams for with this car...

The Saturn V is still the most powerful rocket made to date and the only one to take men past earth orbit...at 25k mph.

That is correct here in the USA too. It’s an error.

Why buy a new media company when you can get a great used one for 100 million? J/k. Hope all fares well for jalopnik

Hope your recovery continues well. That was a serious crash.

Very well researched and personal and insightful article. Thank you.

Old MIGs had mirrors.


Nope. a vase F-16 is 20 million at least. You are WAY off.

True to a certain extent, but nothing ever improves without people trying to make it better. You are describing how the world is. People on this post are prescribing how it should be. Both can be valuable.

Oh man, I was just about to post that I once estimated that runway at 20 to 30 miles....you beat me to it

That looks like a toilet seat from a bathroom at O'Hare...