Is this article serious? Really?
Is this article serious? Really?
At a recent forensic psychology conference a keynote speaker was an accomplished cop - served on Obama’s commission and wrote a wonderful report. Grad student stood up and said basically, “Yeah, you guys write really wonderful recommendations for every administration but it never translates to anything real”. Top cop…
Nunes is compromised in some way that isnt clear at the moment but when it comes out we will all be like “that explains a lot”. One has to imagine the efforts he has taken to protect Trump are also to protect himself.
It means dismantling the power structures—governmental, legal, societal—that privilege men and marginalize women and non-binary people.
“Because I don’t want a bi-man?? No. It’s a preference. Period.”
Replace “bi” with “white/asian/arab/black” and tell me that sentence isn’t bigoted.
Oh, I see: You don’t know what being bisexual means.
Bisexual doesn’t automatically mean having open relationships.
This is not all that you can say. You can also provide facts, citations, and sources for your statement. Because I curious to look at the data showing how bisexual men are all infected with the HIV and AIDS from that one stint they did in jail.
Oh honey
Harvey Weinstein committed rape, you (and Germaine) seem to imply they were asking for it. And you think the best way to combat rape is to make it a misdemeanor? GTFOH. That’s not group think, that’s not being an asshole.
Someone who was ACTUALLY THIS SCARED of Donald Trump would find a way in a 51/49 senate to fuck his, and by extension his enabling party’s, bizness up. That Flake is unwilling to do this in any meaningful way means that he is just grandstanding for future historians. Thanks alot buddy, but America could use your help,…
Mid-2014 rMBP. 44 charge cycles. Wow.
Excellent. Hopefully, Roy Moore and his equally repulsive wife get their asses handed to them in court, after having paid a small fortune in attorney’s fees.
Marketing for California:
I had a similar experience with a Garmin activity tracker. Wish I had never spent the money on it.
Not listed: the Lifehacks that commenters tore apart for factual inaccuracies.
This reply to Roy Moore, tonight, was savage...
I demand that the Democrats get off their asses to protect the voting rights of black people for a change. If the last 8 years (hell 100 years) is any indication, these voters WILL be targeted for suppression by the GOP in the future.