It’s like your racist aunt’s forwarded emails became sentient, coagulated into a semi-human form, developed narcissistic personality disorder and dementia, and were voted into the Oval Office.
It’s like your racist aunt’s forwarded emails became sentient, coagulated into a semi-human form, developed narcissistic personality disorder and dementia, and were voted into the Oval Office.
This definitely solves a debate. Not the one about Super Saiyans, but the one about whether Toriyama is completely out of ideas and just making up nonsense or not.
And here I was thinking you actually had to use a cat.
It’s like ... I can almost hear millions of assholes everywhere furiously typing out the shittiest possible take on this story.
This is why free speech absolutism is an absolute joke. We’re expected to believe that someone who says non-whites are subhuman vermin who deserve to be abused, oppressed & “kept in their place” won’t act on that speech when exercising institutional authority.
The McGowan suspension is just an example of the larger problem with free speech in the United States. Americans are conditioned to think of free speech as how far you’re willing to go to protect white supremacist terrorists (i.e. the right of the KKK to march on a town) and not how far you’re willing to go to protect…
These people have been wanting call these babies the nword for so long they can’t contain it anymore. She was arrested for being black , doubt anyone noticed nonblack students sitting for the pledge.
What kind of person bans free speech and freedom to assemble in the name of defending the First Amendment? Who can possibly be that ignorant?
I think this kind of comment is rude and unnecessary. My best guy friend is losing his hair and he is pretty self conscious about it and there’s really nothing he can do. He has it cropped short right now and honestly looks fine. It’s not that big of a deal and I think it’s kinda shitty to actively try to make men…
The same reason that some men believe feminism is an attack on men instead of a defence of women. They see rights as finite and believe that for others to have them, they must lose some themselves.
Finally, there was the JFK-era. Men’s fashion changed in the generation after the Second World War, including a renewed emphasis on hairstyle. It’s hard to show off a clean-cut hairdo. That happened around the same time as washing the hair more often and the death of public transportation and the renewed rise of…
While watching something on PBS about JFK, his inauguration contributed largely to the end of men wearing hats as part of the full ensemble. He was the first president not to wear a hat at his inauguration, and the style fell out of favor due to his influence.
Both Key & Peele and Get Out were amazing, so I’m here for anything Jordan Peele does!
When does Jordan Peele sleep?
News flash: The history of labor in America is racist AF.
In 1958, one of America’s most renowned painters, Norman Rockwell, created The Runaway, an oil on canvas that shows…
I have specifically been meaning to get ahead on the frozen-burrito train for months! In particular frozen breakfast burritos for a grab and go option. I’m telling myself that now that it’s fall I’ll be back on my meal-freezing grind...
As a conservative churchy dude, he probably wishes they were hung, too.
The word he was looking for was “hanged.”
Great advice. A calm, mature discussion will minimize the risk of her being hurt academically later on. An email is probably the best way so there’s written records, but “Glad we’re on the same page” is brilliant.