
Super uncommon: false accusations of rape.

More like, “Shut up if you have nothing of value and informed by experience to contribute.” Not everything exists to coddle fragile whiteness or to provide a space for white tantrums. Sometimes—a lot of the time—the voices which should be heard are not white, and that’s not only okay, but vitally necessary.

Kanye West is a terrific musician and producer, he’s done quite a lot of hip hop. It’s odd that someone with such insightful lyrics and such a command of hearing and putting together samples has such a difficult time navigating modern politics. Eminem tried and kinda fell flat, too. I think each of them could have

Comey can fuck right off. Nothing he can do or say now can undo what he did in the week of the election, and he’ll have to live the rest of his life knowing the role he played in this disaster of American politics.

There wasn’t even an iota of guilt in my comment, that was just you projecting. Because you’re scared.

We’re not angry, we’re terrified. The anger’s a thin veneer, a facade masking our crippling self-doubt and fear of the world on which we know we’re finally starting to lose our grip. Don’t treat it like anger. This isn’t fire in our bellies and the furious strength of conviction. This is fear.

I’m tired of the NRA controlling the narrative. This is simple:

You’re right about music-teaching software having the drawbacks of having a narrow focus and developing poor technique, but you forgot about the biggest drawback: live and immediate feedback from an expert who is carefully monitoring.

California is home to an estimated 2.3 million undocumented immigrants, according to the Public Policy Institute of California.

Alright, Trump supporters. You’ve been practicing mental gymnastics for months now, several hours a day. This is the one you’ve all been training for. Go out there and make the President proud!

Rename it the Anthony Rapp Foundation and keep it running. We still need help inspiring and supporting young people in the arts, and coordinating with Anthony Rapp might be a nice nod to the organization’s very hard cut with Spacey.

What do you mean it didn’t work? The explicit purpose of the 1994 Assault Weapons Ban, according to the people who wrote it and passed, was to prevent mass shootings. In 1989, a man armed with an assault rifle, a variant of the AK-47 with large magazines, killed five children and injured 29 more in a school in


Being born wealthy. Or bank robbery.

1) Obviously this is beyond repulsive and pathetic, it’s exploitative. It should have been removed immediately, not before the media caught on.

It’s shocking how effective “tough on crime” and “soft on crime” have been in corralling elected officials into kowtowing to the harshest and cruelest elements in law enforcement and criminal justice, in their efforts to dehumanize the population and create a deeply adversarial relationship with the public they’re

“It’s for fundraising!” “They’re learning valuable lessons!” It’s still unpaid child labor. It’s still children spending hours out in front of a store selling cookies for a profit in which they will not be sharing. This enterprising young women is being paid in accolades and is being taught her labor does not deserve

Whatever he’s got is clearly being stored in his jaw.

This is all well and good, but what we should be doing is looking at this on a more macro level. Taxes should be filed automatically. The vast majority of college, university, and trade school funding should come from the state. Mortgages and rent should be based on average income. There should be usury laws against

The story, written Jane the Virgin’s Jessica O’Toole and Amy Rardin