
It is my prerogative to want a man who IS NOT JEWISH. Yes, women absolutely put up with some of the bullshzt you outlined from straight men, and you think they should accept the same from a Jewish man who does not admit it?? The point is, be honest, and I will step because I have no interest in dating/fucking/marrying

It’d be funny if this is how we test if the royal family still has legitimate political and legal power and she’s simply exiled from the kingdom.

Barack Obama seems to have been grown in a lab meant to produce an ideal president, being biracial but raised primarily by white people, having a foreign father to learn about different cultures and different nations, having a sense of social responsibility very early on, being passionate about divestment from

This is a good start. California has more Americans than any other state, it has major industries, it has influence on neighbors and other more progressive and centrist states. If California can pass this, so can Oregon and Washington, perhaps Nevada, and it can take root in New England and perhaps start putting

The software update was at 3 weeks in, the other things happened later. I thought about exchanging it, but my brother went through something similar and I figured it wasn’t worth exchanging one lemon for another.

Well, after using it for 3 weeks, there was a software update and the standby went from 6 days to 2, then, despite only walking, the band tore and some perspiration got inside of it. It’s ruined, and it was only ever junk to begin with. I should have either splurged on an Apple watch or bought nothing at all.

Wages haven’t kept up with inflation, which is why everything seems so expensive now. The average movie ticket price in 1970 was $1.55. The average price today is $8.93. That’s less than keeping up with inflation.

Lubrication is you friend.

CGI Sinatra ftw.

What wasteful consumers are keeping a perfectly fine artificial tree for only 6 years?!

I think it’s finally time to take this political fight to those waging it: it’s time to directly challenge evangelical voters on abortion. I don’t know why, but we’ve tap-danced around this with some of these folks and gave them the idea that their bullshit will go unchallenged. No more; it’s time to make them

If this administration has taught us anything, it’s that some people choose not to heed the informed and wise counsel of their attorney. One can only hope these inadvisable, perhaps incriminating words can help on the path to justice.

You’re absolutely right that the vast majority of common complaints and criticisms about Comey now are hyperpartisan, baseless, and a blatant attempt to discredit him... however it is worth looking at just what the FBI did under Comey’s tenure as director.

“That recipe which is endlessly changeable and adaptable because you make it yourself? It’s too sweet or to bitter. And it’s too chunky. That’s why I prefer low-quality, unadaptable, nearly inedible cranberry Jello.”

This is like flossing because your friend started flossing and now your gums are bleeding everywhere because you should have been flossing the whole time. The lesson here is we must become and remain vigilant so as to catch the guilty and terrify the tempted from now until eternity.

Now playing

Now, multiply this by the number of powerful women in Hollywood. Imagine Amy Adams doing the same with the DC movies. Imagine Scarlett Johansson doing the same with the Marvel movies. Imagine Daisy Ridley doing the same with the Star Wars movies. And imagine if male allies stepped up, too. Dare, even, to imagine that

Seems simple enough to address this situation. Find these signs, take them down, and replace them with signs which read: “It’s okay to be white ...why is it not okay not to be white?” It’d totally throw off their messaging.

Anthony: I believe you.