
That’s an FSX video, looks like to me, so unlike the Video Tyler posted of the B-1B, yours is very fake.

After that last bit of your paragraph makes you look more of an idiot than the usual troll i am used to seeing.

So by your logic Russia is stupid to be buying new nuclear boomers because they were never used?

Dakadak3 is just jealous that his prideful Russian “masters” couldn’t build a B-21 for 50 billion let alone 1 billion if they tried.

Assume, assume, assume. Is that all you Europeans can do? You must be the typical Eurotrash people refer to. This is why i don’t bother taking trips to these beautiful countries that these assholes got ahold of.

Look up Afghanistan Civilian deaths for the Soviet-Afghan war. I bet you didn’t even know about that war because you got your foot so far up USA’s ass.

Atleast the US uses smart munitions and has spent billions to stockpile and make them. What’s Russias excuse? Or you gonna somehow turn around and make a conversation about Russias moral ground in Syria into another anti US rant?

Hilarious. How many innocents were killed from both the Chechnya wars? What about all those landmines in Afghanistan that still maim people to this day (I’m strictly talking about Afghani civilians). Have you ever looked at how many civilians died in the Afghanistan-Soviet war?

Did you come to that conclusion all by yourself through watching youtube Airshow clips?!

Wow, someone can read on wikipedia as to where stealth came from!

Yeah ok, buddy. Why do people keep saying the F-22 is less maenvuerable? Better yet, why do Russia fanboys like yourself stick to one thing and claim no American fighter can touch that? You do realize the tail area on the F-22 has roughly the same lift as an F-16's wings, or that the F-22 has about .20~ thrust to

IRST’s aren’t wonder weapons. Your picture that you used shows how naive you are (hint, it was less than a mile away, i’d hope they would pick up a heat signature..).

For the love of god, please stop linking Sprey for the following number of reasons: He’s not in the aircraft business anymore for a REASON, and he did not create the A-10 and F-16, he put in requirements for the aircraft, which means it could’ve of still turned into a pile of shit if it wasn’t for the great engineers

Neurological changes?.. What? Lay off the tinfoil hat buddy.

I remember back in the early 2000's reading a bunch of pro Russian comments saying how stealth was useless in the future and the US has wasted billions on a system that doesn’t work and the S-300 would make quick work of any stealth aircraft like it’s a magical one man war winning machine.

Only a crazed European would try and somehow bring twin towers into an article about aircraft. It’s amazing to see how far people will go for their anti-American ways on sites these days.

Correct me if i’m wrong, but weren’t these Early Warning sites? These are usually fixed sites, even Russia uses fixed early warning sites (though they do have some mobile ones, they are far less effective because of their size, and way less dangerous).

Except that’s what it takes to win a world war. You have to play dirty. All sides were dirty, even the USA. Your post still doesn’t make the Soviets off the hook for what they did to German Civilians, by the way. USA was bombing those places to win a war. If the Brits had the airpower they would be too. They knew what

I love people like you who come in and driveby post with your anti-American crap. It gets quite old. Noone said anything about America saving the world.

Comparing an air superiority aircraft to the F-35?