
That has, indeed, been disproved. Police didn’t find a tablet.

F-150? What’s that? I kid, I kid. Apart from their performance vehicles, you rarely see Fords at all. Wait. Let me specify that a bit more. By “performance vehicle”, I am referring to the XR6 and the like. Pick any Tesla model you like (bar the roadster/model3), and I can almost guarantee that you will see that more

Mostly impossible ... unless you have a jet engine, like Top Gear did...

Do you photoshop all of these images?

I’d hope you meant ‘braking’ - I wouldn’t want it to fall apart on the highway!

We had the 2005-gen Grand Carnival too. I can confirm that. When shopping for them, look out for the CV boots and steering!

I clicked on this thread thinking that it would be Micra. It wasn’t - it was huge.

Now playing

Obviously not as great as driving as the hamster at Volvo:

Anyone else thinking an older Mercedes?

It would indeed.

Hmmm. A Mitsubishi Eclipse, anyone?

The front of that thing looks SO much like an XV..

Well, I’m an idiot and I can’t edit the comment :(

Hmmm, somebody didn’t follow instructions and put the ham INSIDE the bumper.

Pontiac - Performance on nobody’s todo and costly.

Easy answer to that problem: get a laptop with a webcam, install linux, then install wildguppy. That works very, very well! And best of all: linux is free from the microsoft and apple empires.

It sounds fishy, partly because there are fish in the water... :-)