It pratically means that if you share something in any social media ( yt, devianart, twitch, facebook, blog, etc) using your professional equipment ( any camera, computer, videogame, paper and pencil) in your home, you are breaking the law
It pratically means that if you share something in any social media ( yt, devianart, twitch, facebook, blog, etc) using your professional equipment ( any camera, computer, videogame, paper and pencil) in your home, you are breaking the law
Cause it’s fucking Google?? Who dares say google is shit or incompetent, seriously? They are like the monopoly of technology in the world, there is nothing to lose saying “ we have a fucking gigantic system and the difficulty in managing it led to an update that made a glitch that unsubbed you guys, we are sorry and…
You guys just don’t understand. The whole point of skins is that you can play dress up games, without being judged. :)
The real important question is, Can I play as amoeba like the first one?
Just because people don’t like fat people (or being fat), doesn’t mean that they wouldn’t want to play a fat character, if I followed your logic, since nobody likes psychopaths, there is no reason to have them in games, as nobody will want to play as them, everyone will only play the shiny hero. Besides, people like…
Though I agree there is a lack of different types of female bodies in video games, I think she overstated when she mentioned dota female attractive features showing naga, and krobelus (though Windrunner, Rylai, Traxex and some others have attractive features, and/irony/ broodmother and weaver also, those thin sexy…
To get a green shell at 95th postion, you are truly unlucky
I should copyright/trademark(don’t know which one) videos about people talking about their problems, and start dmca and monetizing all those type of videos, because apparently its ok to monopolize a format, I should also do the same about the lets play format, the stand-up format, and so on —’
easy fun, is when after all is lost, you start testing out the disasters
I think the problem is that a ‘no’ is a strong word, if I were reading a review and the game was branded a ‘no’ I would definitely avoid buying it and sometimes there are ‘bad’ games I like. I think it would be better if it was a “I wouldn’t recommend” or something like that
Well, I like shooters with campaign, I played for many years COD for the campaign (as all my friends bought the game I also bought it, but I didn’t like the multiplayer so I sticked with the campaign)
lol Persona 5, hope they release for PSvita later, I think those type of games work well on portables