
I hope Community replaces each of its original cast/features piece by piece, until it becomes a new show, Ship of Theseus status. And then never ever ends, each component merely substituted out over time, until it is the only show on television, next to The Simpsons, of course.

Every time there's a controversial casting choice for a serial role, I just make allusions to Heath Ledger's Joker and call it a night.

Iron Man, actually.

"With season three of House Of Cards several months off, where else is Right-On going to get his fix of manipulative Kevin Spacey?"

Sounds a lot like the Extras finale

"It's Going Down" is a song that had Linkin Park and Static-X and is actually quite great!
(The X-Ecutioners are the ones who make it)

Shades Children. It was pretty much The Matrix meets Battle Royale.

All of these actresses could learn a lesson from Glenn Close.

I would watch the hell out of a Shade's Children movie.

Salt was prescient enough to bring back the specter of war with contemporary Russia before recent events did- though, only after Call of Duty: Modern Warfare did.

I hope they brought up the point about there not being a word for "cousin killing" because they wanted to troll fans of the book about how the show turned Jaime into a kinslayer by the escape method he used to flee from the Starks.

I thought the idea was that having a polytheist pantheon with seven major deities is really time consuming, see the Hound at before dinner grace.

He should have at least disabled his arms as well.

Tyrion's back home died on his planet's way.

It's kinda weird how every remotely attractive female character on the show gets rampantly sexualized. In the first season I liked Asha because she wasn't but nope Theon had to go and do it because Theon ruins everything.

Bronn is cool but ain't no one in King's Landing can do fancy pirouettes like the Red Viper can.

I was relieved that they had a supply of backup spears, because if the match was to be decided after the first one broke, that teaches you to never fight with a fucking weapon made up of 80% wood.

Suddenly that entire conversation about beetles makes sense.

You know someone ain't getting rezzed by Beric Dondarrion!

You question the acting chops of the man who played Julian Bashir?!?