
I always thought that Aragorn's pre-royal destiny career had a lot of potential for adventure.

Walt Disney Studios? I would be okay with that.

Is your approach towards racial issues one of simply going, "I'm colorblind; I don't see race" and then proceeding to pretend that all things are equal and hunky-dory, while ignoring historical context and that because of inequality and power dynamics, things are not all equal and you can't simply swap out a non-white

He's beyond their budget, but I think even Antonio Banderas would have been acceptable from a skin color point of view. He's pretty swarthy for a Spaniard.

I retract my earlier comment about this not being racebending  or at least not popularly perceived as such. Looks like Oh No They Didn't! is going gaga over whitewashing accusations. It does seem rather disappointing to fan expectations.

This guy would also have been legit to play Bane or even Khan (maybe), so I guess this is a win for the War on Whitewashing.

Not going to lie, I'm really not aware of what she's been in since that film. Besides Miss Congeniality 2.

Between this and Miss Congeniality, did Sandra Bullock get typecasted as tough female FBI agent?

What's a metaphor for NSA wiretapping and growing awareness of the digital surveillance state? Will X-Files and the Matrix make a comeback?

What other network should make it? Can't be AMC, it would cannibalize the lucrative Walking Dead audience. Starz!? FX? Showtime? TBS?

The best ridiculous fan theory out there is that Ned Stark is somehow alive still. It would make the entire cause of the war and the plot into a big Shaggy dog story (well, moreso than it is already).

What do you see? Kaneda! What do you see?

Skyrim's theme song 'Dragonborn' by Jeremy Soule

"I really liked the leisurely middle stretch with everyone just hanging out in the desert."

Some scientist drank billion year-old water, so apparently sometimes curiosity gets to the best of them:

So, the visual style of that film as embodied in the accompanying picture above was pretty sweet, wasn't it?

Most amiable Anglo since Craig Ferguson? Never mind that Craig's a Scot.

Gene Wilder's still alive? This is the best present ever!

How much lore?

Maybe they'll do a timely political reference in season 5. Which is a shame that they didn't say he was NSA.