Even the initials TP!
Even the initials TP!
Working title: Kemper Fi
Social media and #activism think they created everything. It’s people pushing buttons. No more, no less.
Kelvin could’ve also turned him gay like eating soybeans or seeing the color pink without protective eyewear.
Oh yeah, the food was good.
Just like Pride and Prejudice is the ultimate saga of the First Gulf War.
The Daily Mail is anus cancer.
AB donating“up to $150,000" makes it crystal clear that they really care about this issue!
“2 Fat 2 Die”
The loon-threaded silence. The cream cheese penis. Five push-ups in a row.
You forgot the part where she said “he agreed to be tied up.” (!!!!)
Targaryens historically marry their siblings. Whom else could tame the fire of Daenerys other than the chillingly handsome Jon Snow?
Why should the court care where IP?
DO come prepared to lecture your new basketball friends about basketballs exciting historical origins: Nobody likes to sit around and learn things when they could be playing basketball. Unless they’re learning about Dr James Naismith, the man who practically invented basketball. “Hark, friends” you’ll say as you…
Nice “story.”
Jack Price.
REAL TALK: The absolute LAST thing this country needs is a film called fucking SUICIDE SQUAD about a group of terrorists who become heroes. I’m all for free expression and art of all stripes but this is a fucking bullshit movie for Hollywood to be releasing at this juncture.
No. She said “LA face with and Oakland booty.” She didn’t say anything about white or black.