
Triss is so much better than Yennefer. I only chose Yennefer because I knew the stories from the books and since you aren’t playing as random dude, you’re playing as Geralt, and Geralt would choose Yennefer because he hates himself, but Triss is the objectively better choice.

Just out of curiosity, what issues have you had with driver fiddling recently?

in the world inhabited by these characters, i could imagine the following exchange:

“We’ve been visited by an alien species. We have a craft that can travel faster than light. We’re going to make first contact with these aliens... on their home turf. Now we need to find the right crew.”
“Got it. Let’s send the cast of

These reviews really mystify me. I’m completely captivated.

Another for the “bizarrely angry Discovery review” pile. This one is better at seeming like it’s not a “waaaaah this doesn’t make me feel like TNG made me feel when I was 9" screed than the ones on Reddit, but that’s all this is.

No amount of “open-worldness” will ever be able to compete with a well- and DELIBERATELY-constructed, FOCUSED world in which a very specific series of events is designed to take place. To me, “open-worldness” always comes across as just a lazy cop-out to avoid having to do any real world building. BotW avoids this

I think The Witness is a better game through which to understand Blow’s approach/hopes for gaming in general. And I think part of that is because a year or so into his creation of the game, he completely threw out the original narrative he’d planned the game to contain. He stripped away story and focused on the

WTF? I find the show incredibly compelling...even chilling at times as to tries to make sense out of non sense.

I never got into producing video content for a few reasons—chief among them that I have a face for radio, can be insufferably self-important, and while I’ve got a pretty solid sense of humor, I’m old, so my jokes don’t always translate well.

That said, the potential for developing a rabid, teeth-gnashing fanbase that

How many comments will we get that swear about the benefits of homeopathic and alternative medicine!? Stay tuned to find the fuck out.

If you are alone and choking and think you are going to die, the first step should be to delete your browser history.