Paprika. Smoked, sweet, hot, smoked sweet... It’s all purpose. Fries, eggs, meat.
The funny thing is if they just talked to a magician like Teller, they could have learned how to make it LOOK like someone is holding their breath under water for a long time while actually being able to breath normally and be completely safe.
Cinnamon sugar. 1 part cinnamon to 2 parts sugar. Sprinkle lightly over good french toast and it’s all you need.
The issue isn’t this type of consumer alert. It’s that YELP is the one doing it. Yelp is just a vehicle to extort payments out of businesses. If you don’t join and pay Yelp, you get the worst treatment and no ability to counter false claims against your business. This will just be another way for Yelp to practice…
Especially since his truthfullness is suspect. That faux-bama story? It was a propoganda piece produced by the RNC in 2015 for a convention. It was a spoof of The Apprentice and you can find it on YouTube.
The still looks exactly like opening to the old Mr. T cartoon.
Yeah, the voice may be off, but the characterization felt better. We’ll see how it works out as the series goes on, but the banter with Scooter felt right and the exasperation without malice during the Rue Paul interview was spot on. No anger, just resignation.
The colonists went native and joined a local tribe. It was considered scandalous and they were just written off as "lost".
I don’t know what was in her mind, but a few points:
So, there was an initial confrontation and they left. Then finding out that the group had no legal claim to kick them out, they went back to “talk” with the group. And expected a positive outcome from that talk? Poor judgement or borrowing trouble?
Or, take lessons from how the Evangelicals took over the GOP under Reagan. Form a cohesive and united voting block. Probably have to join forces with hispanics and other POC to get the kind of numbers needed. Threaten to start a 3rd Party and vote exclusively for your own candidates until they adopt your agenda.
It’s supposed to be an over the top spoof of all action tropes. The first movie was written and directed by stuntmen and second unit director to be the kind of stuff they wished other movies were doing. The plot is just there to hang everything together cohesively.
Probably x-ray machines. The reason to hide drugs in coffee is that the coffee masks the smell of the drugs.
There’s one possibility that isn’t racist. And that’s if he came in still wearing his motorcycle helmet. London messengers ride scooters and motorcycles and tend to not remove their helmets making deliveries. And front desk people are very used to redirecting them to the loading dock or mailroom entrance.
Sure can, but is it really the best option? A one time payment and then every politician washes their hands, says job done, and feel no obligation for any further “special treatment”.
Forgiveness is not for the forgiven, it’s for your own inner peace. If the hate works for you, use it. If not, let the hate go and continue the work without it.
Any time I discussed the book with anyone, this point is totally missed. The book starts with humanity at war with “the skinnies” and then later mentions that the skinnies are our source of intel on the bugs because the skinnies and bugs had a trade alliance. Even Rico’s monologues reveal that humanity just jumps…
Here’s the FULL LENGTH video. The white woman apologizes at least twice while trying to defuse the situations and the black woman is relentlessly trying to force the issue.
Tell that to the IRS.