
I’ve been told that when companies ask for your SSN, they are really just looking for a unique identifier to put on your file.  And you should make up a number and use that.  Keep a record so you can supply it when accessing that account.   Any validity to that? 

The real world is complex. All heroes have clay feet. We need to be able to recognise the lessons, good and bad, that can be learned.

Season 1 is accurately described as “watching CSPAN cover the UN in space”.   Watch an abridged  selection of S1 just to understand who the major players are and then jump into S2.  Once S2 kicks off with the Shadow War, Psy Corp manipulations, etc. it becomes one of the best sci-fi shows ever made.  

There are several comic parodies that show how the wizards in Harry Potter never use their magic to its full and violent potential. Adavra Cadaver is completely unnecessary. You could simply levitate someone out a window and drop them, Summon the organs out of their chest, mix all kinds of nasty potions, transform

Clothing has power. Not for respectability politics, but for the message it can convey. Why is that scene powerful? Because they wear the suits like uniforms. And act in coordinated unison. Solidarity. Power. Faced off against the police in their matching uniforms.

I’d like to recommend reviewing the case study of the Irish Republican Army (IRA) and whether it did more harm than good in the cause of liberating Ireland from the United Kingdom. A cause that was strongly supported by many prominent American politicians who went so far as to fundraise for them (looking at you Peter

I think a lot of people today confuse the two and when they Bug’s Life wasn’t great, they’re really thinking about Antz.  

You missed the obvious, but more labor intensive, answer.  Clarified butter.  Get the flavor at a higher smoke point.   Making clarified butter is work, but at least it has multiple applications.  

That’s exactly how the 1968 Gun Control Act got passed.  Because the Panthers were on TV holding rifles. 

You have multiple forces at work. Changes in society and entertainment in general over time, market forces as people gravitate to different kinds of stories, changes in writers who come in with new ideas. And just the literal impossibility of being completely fluent in every issue of any single comicbook so you have

A story with 4 original version, several fan-fictions and a couple of reboots.  

He spent a lot of time recently on Good Omens, which was very well done. Unless he gets sucked back into being hands on with another TV adaption, we should see some writing from him again. 

If she’s not monetizing the video, and it can be called satire, it then all falls under Fair Use.  I mean, studios might still send a Cease and Desist letter or try to sue, but she would be completely within her rights under Fair Use.   

I think it was Survivorman discussing survival scenes in movies and getting to Alive with the soccer players in the Andes. You would start with the gluttious maximus because it’s one of the largest muscles and furthest from anything that looks too human.

Disney tends to push the more respected movies to their other labels. 20th Century, Fox, Touchstone, Caravan....Disney bought Miramax and it’s sub-label Dimension.

Nixon signed the EPA into existence, The Clean Air Act, The Clean Water Act and the Endangered Species Act.   All of which Trump has tried to dismantle.   So, there’s that. 

It’s actually LOOSELY based on I Am Legend.  

Wear it underneath a homemade cloth cover.  Have the protection without the stigma.

Some places in this country are sorely lacking in quality pizza. That’s when you need to learn to make your own. It’s not hard. Get a good dough recipe online. Get a stone (unglazed quarry tiles are under $1 for a 6x6. line the bottom of your oven with them for a cheap but effective stone.) Get good mozzarella. You

There’s always the practice of Ostracizing. In real practice, it’s when a group cuts someone out completely, except for legal or religious obligation. No conversation. No interaction. Act like they’re invisible. If enough people do it, it can be devastating.