
Resisting an officer with physical force will never end well for you. They have the advantage in weapons, numbers and the backing of the court system.

I think they should have given Kenan the lead in a remake of Welcome Back Kotter.   Make him the wacky, but inspirational teacher who returns to the low ranking high school where he grew up. 

The show was just OK. The pilot hinted that there was some conspiracy with moles buried deep inside the world’s intelligence agencies and only this makeshift band could be trusted to expose it. Which was a cliched concept, but it was more story than we really got from the rest of the mildly entertaining but completely

Denmark only has 5.8 million people and is fairly heterogenous in makeup.

Bacteria can’t become immune to bleach. It chemically rips apart the outer shell of bacteria.

I feel the need to point out that the anti-vaxx movement is almost entirely women led and they wax hyperbolic on the evils of vaccines. And then there are all the women who can go on and on about the latest diet craze, miracle skin treatment, yoga craze, mind clearing crystal therapy.... Maybe this study needed to be

If I was designing a surveillance craft for Russia or China, I would intentionally make it look as much like an alien UFO as possible.  So that even if it was spotted, people wouldn’t want to report it.

Liea will die before the movie is over, and with her the last of the Skywalker bloodline.  Unless they pull some hidden sibling stuff, like Leia and Han had other kids who are in hiding, there are no more Skywalkers. 

The problem isn’t the Electoral College. It’s that the states allocate their votes in a winner-takes-all manner. If the votes were allocated based on the percentage of the popular vote won in each state, then the EC would be serving it’s purpose.

Does noone improvise?

Mustard on hamburgers is just wrong.

The tour buses are everywhere.  The only ones I've heard are worth it are the themed ones.  Like the one that takes you to locations where famous movies were shot, like the Ghostbusters firehouse.  

I bet you didn’t get hounded by twenty different “ticket sellers” from the second you stepped out of the subway station either. 

Skip the Statue of Liberty to go to Ellis Island instead. Learn a little something about the immigrant experience in the 19th Century.

The problem in Somalia and other parts of Africa is not US military support of the local military in trying to secure the safety of their country.

There’s an old saying even cops use.  “It’s better to be tried by 12 then carried by 6.”

I feel the same way about mustard in all its forms.

The only place I have wanted to eat crab legs was at the buffet at the Billagio in Vegas.  They ran them through a bandsaw, length-wise, so the meat could be easily prized out with a fork.  No work involved.

I once had chicken tenders breaded with crushed Capt. Crunch.  (It was a buffet)  Better than you would expect. 

I have two competing philosophies on this.