
The SC must be wholly and completely independant an unbeholden to political influence. That’s the core reason why its an appointment for life.

This is where I draw a distinction between prejudice and racism.

Sometimes you have to wonder if Lincoln should have let the South secede. And then isolated them from expanding into the southwest.

Trump is a clinical narcissistic. Every single candidate who lost after he personally endorsed them is an affront to his self image. And he can’t abide that and must lash out. The reporters questions are seen as challenges and he cannot accept any challenge or questioning from others.  The loss of the house he can

Trump is happy because he sees a Democrat House and Nancy Pelosi as the perfect scapegoats to pin everything on in 2020.  He will pull his usual manipulation of the facts, his base will eat it up with a spoon, and he can get away with anything.

That’s why I like BJ’s so much better. It’s consistent from trip to trip.

Better to know the number to your local precinct’s front desk and call them directly.  You usually get some 15 year vet who’s happy to have the cushy posting and is trained in public relations.  Doesn’t want complaints because he wants to keep his cushy seat. 

Make Election Day a National Holiday.

Freddy Krueger exerting his burnt privilege all over him.  Was probably dreaming about playing Ray Charles when Freddy showed up with what local police classified as a gardening glove. 

There’s a reason this script was never made. And a reason they’re doing it after Romero died.

This was the time of Manimal, StreetHawk, She’s the Sheriff, and Small Wonder.  This is what expected shows to be like.

Or, coat the bottom bun with a thin layer of mayo before putting the burger on. It effectively waterproofs the bun. And if its nice and thin, you won’t even taste it.

The scene where he tells Admiral Adama about the droid attack on the Wookies while flying his Starfury in on vapors is a real tear jerker. 

When they go on these press tours for movies, the stars have handlers from the studio who approve the stories they are going to tell and give them talking points.  I guarantee someone from the studio fed her that line and she never made any attempt to verify it.  When called out, the media team tried to salvage it. 

“Anyway, fellow Morlocks”

Appreciate the title.  GIF just looks like he got a sudden massive tooth ache. 

If she’s union, she’s got a good wrongful termination case, it will go to arbitration, and she’ll get her job back with back pay right after the media attention dies off. 

Dammit, now I want to make a Muppet Man costume. With Fozzie on the bottom, Gonzo in the middle, Kermit on Top wearing a big trench coat and an oversized fedora.

Quit the Prometheus School of Running Away from Things and move sideways instead.  You can see where you are going and still increase distance.  Also look for things like garbage cans and streetlight poles to put between you and the attacker.

Is this really doxxing? If you post something on Facebook, it’s the equivalent of renting a billboard, printing up a big sign and putting your name and contact information in big letters at the bottom.