
Partial answer, my oven has racks that are on rollers and can be extended out of the oven.  Great when using an actual roasting pan with a rack, so I can lift the meat out of the rack rather than trying to pick up the whole pan full of hot juices. 

Just set the new movie 200 years before the events of PotC. At the height of Piracy on the high seas. When there were as many privateers as pirates. When pirates could go toe to toe with some of the military warships. 

Digging into the articles, it seems like the event had some issues with the following:

And then the actor quit the show before they could show Luthor REALLY being a villain.  He was just barely dipping his toe in villainy before he quit and they had to do the whole “Lex is dead, but he’s really in medical stasis in a trailer, no he’s really dead now” thing that really fell apart. 

And in the comics, I think its ANY Wakanda citizen can challenge for the throne.  It’s rule of the strongest. 

That’s what the “affordable” and “convenient” stuff looks like.  Personally, rather go to the deli counter and get fresh sliced cold cuts at $6-$8 pound, but that’s my financial privilege. 

It’s a movie that almost works. You can see where all the potential was, making the failure worse.

Two words. Tyranny of the Majority (of, the, and aren’t counted in word counts).

It has nothing to do with being past her time and everything to do with not being Leftist enough for the current direction of the party. Feinstein is a progressive in the vein of JFK. JFK would not be considered Left enough if he ran today on the same platforms. “Ask not what your country can do for you, ask what you

Nobody who genuinely wants our democratic system to function justly in order to represent the will of the people disagrees with any of these measures. Everyone who opposes these measures is a dishonest, power-hungry hack.

There’s just sooo many ways to prepare chicken.

Isn’t there just a general market fatigue with these singing shows? Been there, seen that?

With the popularity of American Gods and Lucifer and the soon to be released Good Omens, it would also be a good time to discuss Neil Gaiman’s many contributions to Dr. Who. 

“There was vandalism within our home,” she said. “We found there were swastikas painted on the trees in the woods near where we live. We had home invasions.”

What if the Phoenix Joker is the Original Joker.  Set the story in the 90's.  Have him eventually head to Gotham and face a young Bruce Wayne.  Leto Joker is a copycat or successor who took the name and the makeup. 

For anyone with a disability, employers are required to make “reasonable accommodation” to allow that person to do their job. Like special keyboards, large font size screens, etc. As long as they are then able to perform the job requirements on schedule. A learning disability should be treated the same way. Reasonable

Does he refer to his penis as “the one-eyed Korean”? 

Now playing

Because Liberalism has been coopted by Leftism.

The bullet catch has actually killed several magicians from all kinds of malfunctions or poor trick design. 

It’s a great philisophocal argument thats probably been debated since the time of Aristotle.