Then how come I’ve never seen a photo of a ghost in ratty boxer shorts, a stained sleeveless undershirt and white socks?
Then how come I’ve never seen a photo of a ghost in ratty boxer shorts, a stained sleeveless undershirt and white socks?
There was a time when guys into survival stuff advocated wearing a photographers vest, with all the pockets and equipment hooks for hanging cameras. So you could have lots of stuff at the ready.
Anywhere they want. The world ended, most of the population is dead. Back up your apocalypse truck, hook up a chain to the door handles and rip the doors off your favorite store. You can even check the back room for the stuff the employees hid for themselves.
Sounds similar to a TGIFriday’s mudslide.
Everything about sounds wrong. I mean, dragging a wing behind you is not going to turn backward force into forward force. Having it mounted at an angle is only going to create rotational torque at the mounting point. If it is keeping the boat from rising and falling with the waves, that also means it’s plowing…
What’s the over-under on whether Musk has undiagnosed Asperger?
Starring Jason Statham as a former navy seal and current rescue diver and consultant who was defamed by Musk in the news.
I was rebutting the idea that all white people in America are descended from slave owners.
My ancestors came over during and after the Civil War. And being half Irish, half my ancestors were considered not white. The only people treated worse than the Irish at that time were black. (The other half were German and had a well established presence and support, though the Anglicans still didn’t consider them…
“I’ve had the good fortune to spend 60 years in service to this wondrous land. It has not been perfect service, to be sure, and there were probably times when the country might have benefited from a little less of my help. But I’ve tried to deserve the privilege as best I can, and I’ve been repaid a thousand…
Never trust anyone’s public image. It’s all carefully curated and managed. I wouldn’t be surprised if behind closed doors she curses like a drunken sailor and likes to watch the most depraved Internet porn while eating ice cream.
On the flip side of that coin, every significant gun control law was enacted to take guns out of the hands of black men. The first gun control laws were enacted to keep newly freed slaves from arming themselves, lest the Klan get shot on their midnight rides. And in the 60's, it was a direct response to seeing Black…
My AP Lit class read Catcher in The Rye juxtaposed against The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn. Doing a lot of compare and contrast, which was interesting.
Not necessarily. The skilled trades are hurting for new recruits. Getting more people into a shop class and interested in working with their hands could be a very good thing for them.
One World Government then. United under the President of the United States. Sure, go for it.
The founders originally wanted the vote only for landowners. Especially since at that time there was no income tax, so only landowners and business owners really paid taxes. Imagine how THAT would go over today.
Technically, there is NOTHING in the US Constitution that prevents that. As originally written, it leaves the matter of individual voting up to the states. It’s one of the reasons there is an Electoral College, so that different states could have different voting laws without effectively changing the federal…
While I appreciate the ease, know that mail-in ballots generally only ever get counted if the election is very close at the polls. If one candidate has a comfortable lead and the other one concedes, those mail-in ballots never get looked at. Doesn’t matter if your handicapped or in the military over seas.
Can't a woman get a promotion without being called a sir-gent?