To be acceptable today, you’d probably have to make Mulan transgender and go closer to the original tale and have her stay “disguised” her whole life, rising to the rank of general and only having her secret discovered upon her death.
To be acceptable today, you’d probably have to make Mulan transgender and go closer to the original tale and have her stay “disguised” her whole life, rising to the rank of general and only having her secret discovered upon her death.
All true. But I heard their Mengele Mango Salad is to die for.
I think all highschools should have gender neutral classes that teach basic life skills including cooking, financial budgeting, and basic DIY repair and maintenance. Basically, a modern version of Home Ec and Shop Class that everyone attends.
The Narrative:
Shut up and take my money.
It's really a shame that the MCU decided that starting off Stark as an alcoholic and leading into the demon in a bottle storyline was too dark for their lead hero.
Why is there no mention in this article or the comments that TALESPIN exists in the Ducktales universe?!?!?!?
I love the idea of a highly competent, but morally questionable, organization that captures and studies the most dangerous supernatural phenomena on Earth. It could so easily be turned into an anthology show on cable.
Many women’s shelters would be happy to accept your donations of sample sized, travel sized and hotel sized bath and beauty products. A big help to women in need.
A lot of police forces have an official program to allow offduty cops to work security in uniform. Can’t tell from the article if that is the case here.
One of the things I look forward to on long road trips is stopping at one of the rest stops that has one of the last remaining Roy Rogers locations. Once an attempt to compete with Wendy’s and BK, it’s major draw was the burger fixings bar where you could top your own burger. A major score when I was a kid. Mostly…
Testosterone is linked with the ability to produce muscle mass. It’s why a man and woman, of equal heights, doing the exact same exercise routine will see different results in muscle mass development. It’s the only legitimate reason for separating men’s and women’s sports.
Safety coordinators take a lot of shit. They’re job is literally to walk around, inspect everyone and all the work, tell people what they’re doing wrong and kick people off the work site if they don’t comply. That is literally the job.
SYG is the most misunderstood set of laws in our country. All it does is remove the “duty to retreat” from self-defense laws. Meaning that previously, you had to show that you either tried to flee or were unable to flee before using lethal force. It put the burden of proof on the shooter, rather than the prosecution,…
Des getting fired release him from his contract, including the bin-compete clause? Can he now direct a DCU movie?
Great idea for a series. Next up, leberkase and liverworst.
So, condiment bukake?
It wasn’t applied, however, to Marissa Alexander, a black woman whose own invocation of the “Stand Your Ground” shield was denied in 2011. Alexander was instead charged with aggravated assault after firing a warning shot at her husband, who had a history of abusing her.
Not everyone is business minded or wants to be an independant service provider. They want a boss to manage the business side of things and hand them a paycheck.