
Ronald Reagan had Alzheimer’s at the end if his presidency. It was hidden from the public for fear of showing weakness in front of the Soviets.

The kindest possible interpretation of what happened is that this was Trump’s Chamberlain moment. Trying to appease and work with a known vicious dictator in the hopes of a positive outcome.

I was fully in his side until he started following her as she walked away.  Take color out of it and a man following a woman down the street is not a good look.  Stay at the car and continue filming until police arrive. 

Technically NOTHING is Hawaiian since everything down to the plants was imported from Polynesia by canoe. 

They hated each other on the show. Elaine hated George. Kraimer was only there because he was the neighbor and just inserted himself into everything. Jerry put up with it so Kramer would watch his apartment while he was on the road.

For discussion:

Probably the heavy influence of Jewish and German immigrants in the last century. 

I was expecting something that screamed hawaiian, like little chunks of pineapple and fried Spam (would have to be an oil based salad like German potato salad for that to work.....). Not a typical deli salad.

What makes this “Hawaiian”?  Other than the inclusion of soy sauce, this looks like the same macaroni salad you can get in any NYC deli. 

Use a french press.

I think most people who think they are informed only have a soundbite, surface knowledge at best.

If it works, I get 10% of the take from the carnival food truck that’s going to tour the country’s carnivals and festivals making a fortune. 

And those fired up conservatives are included in the 60% and 40% turnouts.

Turnout for a POTUS election peeks around 60%.  Midterms peak around 40%.   There’s a huge chunk of the population NOT energized by either side.

White rice. White rice is like a sponge for flavors.

I think this story is the exception that proves the rule.

1. Seth Rogan turned Smith into an unrepentant 24/7 pothead. And Smith has sucked ever since.

This particular neighborhood was converted from farmland to urban in the 1920's and settled by German immigrants. And those 6-family apartment buildings were immaculate when they were sold.

This.  Who sits there and watches her die?  Noone calls an ambulance and take her to the hospital?  Noone calls for a ride to take her to another house until its straightened out?

Trump gets two scoops.  Everyone else gets one scoop.