I remember seeing some recent research that X chromosomes have more self-repair ability than Y chromosomes. Something about having more reduntant material that can move to patch damage.
I remember seeing some recent research that X chromosomes have more self-repair ability than Y chromosomes. Something about having more reduntant material that can move to patch damage.
I guarantee she’s NOT dead. I think she faked it and has essentially escaped. Her power is electricity. She is literally soldified electricity. Would getting hit with a single heat vision blast kill her? I think not.
Can someone explain Woody Allen’s appeal? I have never enjoyed one of his movies. Even when I didn’t know it was a Woody Allen movie. They’re just so boring and unfunny.
I doubt she was involved because from her comments at the time I think she really wanted and needed to prove herself the best on the ice. She was looking forward to it. Her husband saw a risk to his meal ticket and acted. She’s guilty of not speaking up when she found out the truth.
Dining with small children, we usually do it to clear the table around them. To avoid a mess and to give them room to color the placemats or whatever while waiting for desert and the check. If it’s just the two of us, it doesn’t happen.
They could take it in a whole Archie Bunker direction and have RoseAnne in the Archie role and Darlene in the role of the liberal son-in-law. Lots of verbal sparring. But, that would make Dan into Edith, the peacemaker just trying to keep everyone happy.
The final season turned out to all be Roseanne writing a book and Dan actually died when he had a heart attack in the previous season. And there were some other twists when they showed the “real” world in the last episode.
Cats are:
In North America, more birds are being killed because our cities are too brightly lit and confusing migratory birds. Also, they fly into glass skyscrapers and die.
A single incident does not negate ANYTHING I said and in fact reinforces what I said because of the way the military responded to it in comparison to law enforcement.
And that incident led to major retraining and changes to the rules of engagement across the entire theater. Unlike how domestic law enforcement dig in and refuse to change.
Which storyline was that? Was it shortly after he was introduced as a villain trying to hunt Spiderman because JJ Jameson called him a criminal?
Meanwhile, our military on the ground in Iraq and Afghanistan had a far better record of community policing than law enforcement at home. Better trained in de-escalation, negotiation, community relations and patrol.
Not suspected. Proven. The reason he can be called a “hero” is because he does seek out evidence and proof. Using Micro to gather intel, planting bugs, doing stakeouts, etc. He’s an anti-hero because he kills without remorse. In the tradition of Death Wish.
Bannon wanted to be GOP Party Chairman and rule the government from behind the scenes, the same way he manipulated gamergate and started Breitbart. Trump allowing him to be fired was a betrayel and he will do whatever he can to bring Trump down and get his hands back on the reigns of power.
I go for more of a pie-wedge cut on the potatos, ala Alton Brown. I also leave out the chives and use whole milk instead of heavy cream. But, essentially the same, since also use America’s Test Kitchen recipe and a ricer.
You should WANT Moore to win. If he won, the first thing the (R)‘s were going to do was launch an ethics hearing and get him thrown out. Then they get the Gov. to name a replacement until there can be another election. In the meantime, it’s a huge PR win for the Dems.
I have been giving real thought to when my children will be allowed to participate in social media. On the one hand, I think it is the most damaging thing ever invented for self esteem and self worth and a major avenue for 24/7 bullying that goes beyond normal peer groups. On the other hand, not being connected can…