
I think there is a portion of the human race that NEEDS to feel superior to someone else. Whether it’s through ethnic identity or religion or economic status or their job title. The only way they feel complete as a person is if they can feel superior over someone else.

If you want to see the real Ramsey, watch a BBC edit of Hell’s Kitchen vs. an American edit of the exact same episode. BBC Ramsey is calm and supportive and only yells to emphasize a point, before making a joke and giving a hug. America Ramsey is an asshole rage monster.

There’s a difference between stated conservatism and what the political party actually do. Just like there’s a difference between liberalism and what the Democratic Party actually does.

If the GOP wasn’t so busy fellating the christian right (who only got into politics to keep blacks out of their christian colleges) they might realize that blacks and latinos are real “family values” voters.

Those are the days you get a feel for being British with their pound coins or European with their Euro coins.

He has no imagination. Take 100 pennies, embed them in a half inch thick sheet of clear epoxy spelling out “I’m Sorry” and turn it into a coffee table.

“You yadda yadda’ed over the best part.”

Remembering my SAT notations, it sounds like:

It’s also religious freedom.

I love shrimp toast, but I always wondered about the “toast” part and had my doubts about the “shrimp” part.

There are already dozens of ranchers and farmers who own land on both sides of the border or having grazing and water rights on both sides of the border who are preparing to put up a legal fight against a border wall. And many of them DIDN’T vote for Trump.

The only time cheese is acceptable on fish is a tuna melt. With cheep canned tuna, not the good pouch stuff. Pouch tuna deserves better.

I have to ask, what job would people be comfortable with Woody Allen having? Would you boycott the McDonald’s that let him flip burgers?

There are two ways to pasteurize milk. Low heat and long time vs. high heat and short time. The difference in time is literally a matter of minutes. But, manufacturers use the short time method to increase total production. The high heat ends up also killing a lot of the natural flavor and some of the nutrients.

I didn’t know Freud and Jung were inspired by Sufis. Learn something new every day.

You described how every politician campaigns. They never give specifics, because it gives too much ammunition to their critics to nitpick every little detail. If you come out with a detailed plan, I don’t have to release my plan to beat you. I just have to tear holes in your plan and look smart doing it.

Not ego. Clinical Narcicism.

Not at all. What you need for good pizza is a pizza stone that allows the moisture to leave the bottom of the crust and allow it to crisp.

Mythbusters did it. The only way for both of them to survive would be to take off their life vests and tie them to the underside of the door to add more buoyancy. Otherwise the thing flips off and dumps them in the water every time Jack tries to climb on. And noone in that situation is going to think of doing that.

Nurses have practically no protection. Even the nurses unions never seem to have much power.