A whole turkey is difficult to cook because the dark meat and the white meat want to be cooked differently. Getting both done right is tricky.
A whole turkey is difficult to cook because the dark meat and the white meat want to be cooked differently. Getting both done right is tricky.
White American fetishizes the importance of family, but it seems to be only nuclear family that matters.
Did you also have your college graduation ceremony at the beginning of your final semester?
It’s a harvest festival. When do you celebrate the harvest?
Now, what kind of macaroni? Is it stove top yellow cheese macaroni or is it oven baked with bread crumbs on top?
the potatoes are white
Generally, utility companies have mutual aid agreements in place that set their rates for providing emergency assistance. According to This Reuters article Puerto Rico was not able to immediately tap into any such agreements because of their geographic location and the need for any aid workers to set up an entire…
Its unfortunate if where he is doesn’t offer any type of job training or education opportunities. While he might get a job as a construction laborer, he would be better off with some basic certifications like basic carpentry or plumbing. Or any of the trade jobs really.
That’s where you get into the hard discussion of what is justice and avoiding punishment as vengeance.
I agree. Like any contract, it would have to be agreed how much mingling of assets occurs and, like a prenup, who gets what in the end. Like if you have a planned uncoupling when the kids are 5 or 10, whoever keeps primary custody of the children keeps the primary residence and larger share of the assetts. (This is…
One of the great contributions of Asimov’s novels set in an atheist future is the idea of marriage as a legal contract that can have term limits. Get married for 5 years, with an option to renew, to co-habitate and raise children together.
I haven’t read such a well written discourse since “A Modest Proposal” by Jonathan Swift.
At least Pence wouldn’t get us into a shooting war in Korea.
Golf is not a sport. It’s a skill game, like darts, billiards, bocchi ball, horse shoes, corn hole, or curling.
The market rises to meet the buying power of the public. Prices increase as demand increases. The same way mortgages and student loans have helped increase the cost of houses and college education.
Never forget that the main reason for gun control laws in America has been racism. Whether inspired by freed slaves trying to arm themselves for protection or images on the news of Black Panthers holding rifles in the street, gun control laws have been inspired by racism.
You left off Neil Diamond’s “Coming to America”.
You know what happens when you park next to the cart return? You end up cleaning up the cart return because of all the people too lazy to push the carts in all the way, leaving a bunch behind your car like a shopping cart traffic jam.
NEVER click on the link from any email regarding payment. ALWAYS go to the website trough your normal browser link and review your profile and payment information from there. If you can’t find anything on the site, then call customer service if you still think it might be legitimate.
This is the prosecutor’s fault. He only offered them the charge of 1st Degree Murder, which requires proof of forethought and planning. This was a spur of the moment murder, which should have been charged as 2nd Degree Murder.