
This president is incapable of backing away from any of his campaign promises, but eventually the GOP will have to accept that ACA is now as entrenched as social security and can not be revoked. The only option is for both sides to begin working on real reforms to the shortcomings of ACA that both sides admit exist.

Seinfeld was not “about nothing.” It was originally pitched as the show about where comedians get their material. That’s why the first season episodes start with a cold open of Seinfeld on stage doing material.

Bruce Jenner identified as a man, played sports in the men’s division, was married three times to women and has biological children that were conceived the old fashioned way. Hard not to make the argument the picture of Bruce is on the right door.

While Trump is a textbook narcissistic, Musk is somewhere on the Autism spectrum. Probably Asperger.

Step 1: Declare white supremacists and all hate groups to be domestic terrorist organizations.

It should be more like my mother taught me “never take the first punch, but make sure you take the last punch.”

Reminds me of the story Chiun tells Remo Williams about creation. God formed a lump of clay into a man and put it in the oven. He left it in too long and it burned, making the first black man. Then he made another clay man and put it in the oven, but he took it out too soon and made the first white man. Finally he

Libraries are now adding Maker Spaces with 3D printers, plotters, sewing and embroidery machines and other craft supplies.

Works even better if you don’t actually have a dog.

Traditional “Labor” has steadily declined for decades. The nation has shifted to a majority of white collar jobs. And white collar jobs don’t unionize.

Your shoe. A regular flat sole shoe is good for defense and for attack. It protects your hand if you put it inside. And a high heel can be deadly as it focuses all your force onto a tiny area.

It’s like people who think they will go to Boot Camp and laugh at the drill sergeant. When someone is yelling in your face, your body reacts regardless of what your brain thinks.

Can we all admit Rick is just a terrible leader? He gets his way through force of will and then comes up with dumb plans. You can barely call them plans as he fails to account for any contingencies. He didn’t even establish rally points for regrouping should they have to evacuate the prison.

Who is this?

People underestimate the psychological horror of being that kid. You’re seeing things that most adults would not be able to handle and its all the time. And you know noone will believe you. An adult could be in the same room with you while you’re seeing something horrifying, but you can’t tell them or they’ll think

The Dawn remake is an action movie. Once the zombies start running, it takes a lot away from the creeping horror.