
Reading this morning about Corey Feldman and the Barbara Walters interview. The pervasiveness of child abuse and pedophilia in Hollywood. And how maybe 75% of the child stars who self destructed in later life were abused. I have to wonder if Brendon is also on that list.

Most likely, if true, it’s because the coyotes (smugglers) have a route that goes through his land, probably because of a drinking water source like a stream, and they kill the dogs so they don’t bark and raise an alarm.

We don’t need Capt. Disillusion to bust this one. All pretty simple.

It’s our responsibility as rational, sentient beings to understand the base drivers in order to modify our own behavior and thought patterns or know how to help others.

People are prejudiced. All people. It’s a part of human nature that we predict future outcomes based on past knowledge, including when that knowledge is flawed. We judge people within seconds of laying eyes on them based on everything from skin color to the condition of their shoes. We judge their economic class,

Best hope is that if his narcissism does cause him to self destruct, Pence will have him declared mentally incompetent by the White House physician, put in a mental hospital for a mandatory 48 hour hold and take the office as the next in line.

Did I say it was acceptable? I pointed out a motivation that the author missed.

Also, the parties could start nominating anyone worthy of the office. Which they haven’t done.

As a New Yorker, I haven’t seen a governor in my lifetime that I would want to see as president. That goes for NJ and CT too. And going back a few decades.

We used to look to military leaders to have proven their ability to lead. From Washington to Eisenhower. Then we looked at career politicians for a long time. Now people are starting to look at CEOs, since many corporations have the size and scope of a small military.

What the author missed in that exchange is that drunk bro was trying to flirt with her. He was drunk and clumsy about it. He thought he’d found something to talk to her about, an in, and was talking real fast trying to think of something else to say to keep the, one sided, conversation going. Bro was doing a crappy

Hollywood is flashy, full of tourists, run by a guy in a dress (I’m sure there’s at least one), and been covering up for sexual predators for decades.

If Capitalism is a religion, then Hollywood is its Vatican.

The secret to success in any job is learning how to manage upward.

Its an attitude that appears to be pervasive throughout Hollywood. If you are successful and make the studios lots of money, you can do whatever you want and are untouchable. Money makes right and everyone else will stay silent about it.

There’s some really great blacksmiths on Youtube. Watched a guy make a knife out of scalpel blades yesterday.

Wypipo already build walls around themselves. They’re called gated communities. Just have to come along and slap a chain and padlock on ‘em from the outside.

Vegas and other terrorist attacks are the price we pay for a free and open society. Whether its a mass shooting, the Boston Marathon bombing or driving a truck through a large crowd in France.