
All gun control legislation in this countries history have been inspired by racism. The very first gun control laws were in response to freed slaves wanting to arm themselves. You know, so the KKK could go on their terror rides without fear of being shot.

Seth Rogan needs to play him in an SNL skit.

There is game theory to playing Jeopardy. Penn Jillete talks about going on Celebrity Jeopardy and he sought out a past champion of regular Jeopardy to couch him.

If I ever got to meet Ford, the first thing I would ask him is if he still does carpentry as a hobby.

The real lesson of history is that any people in a place of power over other peoples will commit atrocities. In the US it is primarily white people in the position of power. Expand your view globally and you find atrocities everywhere. Rowanda and Bosnia in recent history. The Armenian Genocide in WWI. The Boxer

This was over 12 years ago and dogs in the cabin was not common.

If I had one, I would name it Emergency Ration.

Was in a similar situation. Was flying on JetBlue with my wife. We didn’t know there was a dog near us, because it was a little lapdog and was in a carryon bag. A special ventilated bag, but still.

News did an expose on how easy it is to get a “support animal” certificate for literally any pet. You can have a support potbelly pig or a support lizard if you want.

And it’s really a wasted opportunity. If they divorced, she would still have to be in their life as they still share children. That leads to the potential for her to take a lot of digs at Kevin and his new love interest. Conflict to bring out some comedy. Like “The New Adventures of Old Christine”, but from the other

I worked for a privately held company that was “employee owned”. We got bonuses twice a year based on company profits. There was a formula that went something like: Number of shares = (Base Salary/1,000)+Years of Service. First bonus was mid-year and based on actual performance to date and projection for the remainder

1973 starts to align nicely with the introduction of the desktop computer to the workplace followed by the office printer. Prior to that, entire floors of buildings were dedicated to the “Steno Pool” of typists.

I remember when cops carried batons and that was their first choice to use. But, too many people complained about cops handing out a “hickory shampoo” and the lighter carbon fiber collapsible batons were thin enough to crack a skull open.

I would have thought an Indian name would have ranked higher. From my time in London, I got the impression Indian was the second highest population after caucasian.

Thats nothing. Look at Joe Camel’s nose and muzzle.

Yes, we can. Hand to hand fighting is part of police academy training. Literally, Judo is part of that training since the 60's because it is a no-strike grappling art. They just all do the bare minimum to get through the Academy and then only remember the parts about using wrist locks to get handcuffs on.

This should absolutely be the plot of the next movie. Daniel Craig running around shooting people while Moneypenny does the real work and stops once in a while to help keep him alive. Like Penny on Inspector Gadget.

There’s an old saying I heard:

Totally grey shirts fault for stepping in with his right foot leading. Should have stepped in left foot leading for a right handed high five. Then you can cleanly follow through to a full bend at the waist, raise the rear leg and grab each others ankles for quick shake.