
If nature documentary makers could interview a wild antelope and get a statement on how it felt escaping the lioness attack, they defintely would.

The only reason to involve police in this situation is to keep things orderly while the store is emptied. So that some idiot doesn’t get his head beat in for trying to take ALL the AA batteries. Get two people fighting over the last box of Eggos and suddenly everyone is panicking.

People are excellent and pointing at the problems, but we hear precious few solutions offered. What’s the real world change to push for that would fix any of this?

Reporters are trained to be like nature documentary filmmakers. Ever watch one where you want to scream at the film crew to go save the baby elephant going the wrong way or go help that wounded antelope? Reporters act like that too. They’re there to capture the event, not to change it. They want that footage of

From what I’ve seen, the auto-belay systems keep a constant low tension on the line and take up any slack as soon as you start to move. That’s fine for beginners, but when you start getting better and using techniques, you want a little bit of slack to give you better movement until you get to your next hold.

I was 6 and wasn’t allowed to watch it. But I remember the next day all the adults were sitting out on the stoop talking about it in really depressing tones. And my mother saying if we got the warning that the bombs were on their way, she’d walk outside and wait for it, because she didn’t want to go through what the

Indoor rock climbing is great fun. Until after a few sessions your friends all quit and you’re left without a climbing buddy to belay for you.....

That’s going to take a while. The Wholefood deal gives them a lot of new distribution, but only a fraction of Walmart’s distribution. And Amazon knows there are severe limits on how well a delivery only produce company can do. Just look at Fresh Direct. And even looking at the services owned by other stores (Peapod is

Those prices are better, but not enough to compete with Walmart Neighborhood Market. We do about half our grocery shopping there, another 30% at BJ’s and the rest at Fairway or Iavarone for the specialty/splurge stuff.

I have a “dumb” PIN lock on my side door with a deadbolt lock above it. 99% of the time, I get in just using a PIN. If I’m going away for a weekend or a vacation, I lock the deadbolt and take the key. I don’t need integration with my smartphone.

Let’s not make the mistake of thinking the GOP, the actual people who run the party, wanted Trump in any capacity. They just couldn’t stop him. They had nobody who was media savvy enough to stand up to him.

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There’s a middle ground.

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Not seeing the connection there. You think if they get shot in training, they’ll be less afraid of getting shot on the job?

That’s our current political climate. Eat your own if they don’t fall totally into line with your beliefs.

Most people also don’t really know what it feels like to take a punch and are totally shocked by it. That’s why most real fights are over in seconds. Whoever lands the first really solid hit wins.

And now I’m picturing Cam in a fedora asking Mitchell if the opera cape is too much.

Rear Admiral Cochrane who commanded the British despised Americans on a level rivaling Cromwell’s hatred of the Irish. (He lost a son in the American Revolution.) I don’t think he recruited free slaves into the extremely classist British military out of any sense of good will toward their cause, but as an act of