Prejudiced. Everyone is prejudiced. In the Venn diagram of life, Racism is a small circle wholly enveloped in the larger circle of Prejudice.
Prejudiced. Everyone is prejudiced. In the Venn diagram of life, Racism is a small circle wholly enveloped in the larger circle of Prejudice.
Is she releasing a cover version of Paula Abdul’s Cold Hearted Snake?
No, the original premise is that he’s a cop who retires in his 40's after he gets his 20 years in and his pension. Decides to stay retired while his wife works and he’s around the house all day dealing with his family. Apparently, that concept hasn’t been pulling in enough viewers so they’re reworking it into a…
Had a friend who tried to learn Japanese. He said that the hardest part is that their sentence structure is very different from English. The adjective-subjest-adverb-verb-adjective-object structure becomes something more like Object-adjective-verb-subject-adjectvie. You name the object, then the action being done to…
This should be labeled Sponsored since it’s forcing you to go to a business website to find out where they are happening.
To the B/W pay gap: What I don’t see in that data is an apples to apples comparison of the people doing the same jobs. A black engineer and a white engineer. A black doctor and a white doctor. Etc.
If you set aside the slavery for a second, the Pre-Civil War south was the richest and most powerful states in the country and wielded global influence due to their trade in cotton and tobacco. And with that wealth, they developed their own version of rich culture modeled loosely on Victorian England. The Antebellum…
Have you heard the gospel of Pie?
All generals (and admirals) are politicians. You don’t get the stars on your shoulders if you don’t know how to work politics. Both inside the military structure and with military friendly politicians. Most generals aren’t even war leaders. They have more in common with corporate CEO’s than with a battle commander.…
It’s business. Which to many Progressives is the same thing.
If you care for a knife, you should have to sharpen it rarely. Regular application of a honing steel will maintain the edge. The steel will stand up the “teeth” of the blade and maintain its sharpness. You should only need to sharpen when the “teeth” have been worn off. Maybe once a year.
Without enough information, it’s hard to say. We don’t know what her salary, benefits or pay history was.
Pay Gap:
Sounds more like the Rolling Stones last tour.
In other news, Dimentiabone is my new band name.
It’s a much better argument to look at the industry as a whole, rather than nitpicking individual movies. When you look at the industry as a whole, we can say that more diverse movies should be getting green lit for production and there should be more diversity behind the camera as well. That’s an argument that most…
It’s an easy sound-bite solution for a much bigger problem. The issue isn’t how many terms they serve, but how they go completely unchallenged once in. We need to end congressional district gerimandering so that districts are open to challenge by either party. When they have to work to keep their positions, then they…
The sad thing is that our military veterans returning from the Middle East are better trained in community policing and deescalating volitile situations without violence than most police in the US.
When did we ever really care?