It’s another symptom of the “winner takes all” political divide in this country. The all-or-nothing view of politics.
It’s another symptom of the “winner takes all” political divide in this country. The all-or-nothing view of politics.
Just wait until the spinoff Elaina of Avellor makes it to Netflix. Complete with the crossover episode that introduces Elaina.
Pie, on the other hand, is beneath Thorin’s contempt.
Interesting since that story was first told to me by a Holocaust survivor teaching a class at my highschool. But, then she was 8 years old at the time and not in Denmark.
There’s precedent for this. I think it was Norway where when the Nazi’s ordered all Jews to wear yellow stars every citizen including the King came out wearing a yellow star.
What’s happening now is starting to have striking similarities to how coup d’etats are carried out. Government agencies are being silenced, not just the top but also the mid levels of the bureaucracy are being summarily removed, and the news media is being attacked and attempts made to silence the news. Existing ties…
Calling it now, the “nazi” was a plant and the whole thing was faked for the publicity.
Alternative, get a cut resistant chainmail glove from the hardware store.
It’s a lot more than that. This country is divided like never before with people harassing each other in the streets, refusing to go to family holidays and cutting ties left and right over politics. There is no longer a political spectrum. There is only all-left and all-right, with no room for compromise or…
I understand the anger, hurt and disappointment in the current state of our nation. What I don’t get is the constant rhetoric that America has somehow been completely blind to race relations until Obama took office. As if the Civil Rights Movement didn’t happen. As if Affirmative Action didn’t happen. As if the…
Your party still sucked.
Anyone know if Obama’s pardons included the woman profiled on Sam B’s show? The one who came to the US at one year old, is a legal citizen, was going to be deported for a minor drug offense?
How much sex do they have on tour? I figure its either a constant orgy or none at all.
This. I caught two mice with no bait on the trap. I got traps where the trigger paddle is a large yellow paddle shaped like a slice of cheese. Set up the trap perpendicular to the wall with the paddle against the wall. Mouse running along the wall has to either climb over it or go around it. They’d rather go over.
Let’s look at what really most likely happened here. Comey was called in to discuss Russian hacking. The Democrats took the opportunity of this closed door session to try to question him broadly on a number of other topics, with a particular interest in his actions surrounding the Clinton investigation. He evaded and…
There are plenty of blue collar jobs out there that pay good money. Skilled trades people with experience can not only make 6 figures on their regular job, but often start their own side businesses. There is a huge skills gap in this country from jobs like machinists and welders that are going unfilled.
Any volunteers to kick off the “Why sex work should be legalized” discussion?
And somewhere in rural Kentucky is a Republican white man screaming “I’m not a racist, sexist homophobe!”