
Thank you for demonstrating how the prejudices and hipocricy of one group are just the mirror of the other group.

Let’s talk about liberal elitism:

Depends on your definition of “help”. Picture Cuba with a Sandles and Beaches resorts, major corporations building new resorts and possibly casinos, etc. Basically, like Jamaica. Where you don’t want to leave the resorts area because its all poor in the surrounding areas.

My guess is this is the first step to opening a legal road to immigration to Cubans. Go to the US embassy in Havana, file some paperwork, enter the lottery system and hope you get in under the yearly quota.

I know. I see those frozen burritos all the time for like $1 in Target and wonder if they’re worth trying.

It’s like that episode of Modern Family where Phil goes to the salon and all the women who work there explain to him how his wife just wants to talk about her problems, but she doesn’t want him to try to solve them. She just wants to vent and receive some sympathy before solving her own problems.

Has anyone stopped to think that the dossier was intentionally leaked for the sole purpose of removing the Russian’s ability to use this as blackmail material? Possibly even with Trump’s blessing and all his bluster is just for show?

From the article, they took regular seats and the reserved seat was being used while answering a phone call. Which is actually the polite thing to do since the reserved seats are at the end of the car usually by the vestibule to the doors. There is no indication that the seat was occupied for the entire trip.

How about using PassW0rdsRTerr1bl3S3cur1ty ?

Not bad. Good for that cookbook in the kitchen. You don’t mind if it gets covered in raw egg and chicken fat.

Corned Beef and Pastrami. From scratch. Like curing and cooking it from raw meat.

So, treat X like the variable in an algebra equation? It’s an unknown value until someone defines it.

The two are not related. She is pointing out that Streeps statement here is incredibly elitist. She is basically saying that only the “outsiders and foreigners” are making real art, which inversely means she doesn’t think white middle America is capable of producing real art.

Too many open questions. He was on a flight from Canada (which has stricter gun laws than the US), with the firearm in his checked luggae (which goes through aggressive screening, and if he did it legally would require locks and tags to check) and chose to shoot up the terminal AFTER getting off his flight?

I would argue that our ambassadors in friendly countries are the least important in this age of modern communications. It’s the ambassadors in hostile countries that are truly doing the difficult work of providing communications paths.

The only party that is truly small government is the Libertarians. Every other party is about gathering more power to government. The only difference is what form of power they want to gather and where they want to apply it.

I decided long ago that the only meaning life has is the one we choose to give it. There is no meaning to life until we choose to impose one on it. That may be family to some people, work to other, or championing a cause for others. We decide what our lives mean.

There are many reasons why a man or a woman might cheat, even on the most physically attractive person.

Can we just get the public, who consume law shows like potato chips, to finally acknowledge that the cops are not the ones who file formal charges? It’s the District Attorney’s office that chooses what charges to file. The cops decide what to book you for, as in what charges they are going to hold you on for 24 hours

That’s why there are state licensing systems. For everything including getting your hair cut.