
But only against white people, because that’s ALWAYS punching up. Even if its dirt poor white people from middle America, it’s still punching up.

For its time, it was incredibly original. It’s boring now because every plot has been redone dozens of times by every sitcom that followed it. Not to mention the Flintstones.

The Jezebel motto: If it’s white, it can’t be right.

There’s an old Internet saying “It’s too late to save it, but its too soon for the shooting to start.”

You know why?

It won’t last 4 years. If he doesn’t divest from his business and continues operating this way, he’ll be up on impeachment charges in about 12 months.

If you really want to ge to the bottom of it, the root cause is the western manufactured overthrow of the Shah of Iran in 1979 while Jimmy Carter was president.

When I was studying martial arts in my 20's, I had an instructor who had multiple black belts and certificates. A student asked him which art he thought was the most effective in a street fight.

I still like my idea better. The guy team got caught on their last capor and are in a Turkish prison. The bad guy blackmails Danny’s sister into finishing the heist the guys failed at in order to get them out of prison.

That’s the lie being spread by the liberal elite who see the abolishment of the EC as a way to ensure Democratic dominance of the federal government for the next 50 years by capitalizing on the liberal dominance of the heavily populated cities.

And that’s exactly the way it SHOULD be and why the EC was set up that way. So that the more populous states can’t dominate the federal government and deny the less populous states equal representation. It’s also why each state gets 2 Senators, regardless of population. The Senate evens out the representation in

It will even out nationally as parts of places like NY and CA will see more Republican districts and places like Texas will see more Democrat districts. It would essentially turn the entire map purple.

This ruling needs to end with requirements to redraw ALL the districts nation wide based solely on population density. Districts should be as square and circular as geography allows.

See, this is the lesson that most protest groups fail to learn. The big public protests are great for creating an awerness of an issue and gaining attention and support, but it’s not what actually creates change. You still need someone who can work the system and get the gears of government turning to enact a

I’ve long thought that every Daily Show interview should be put up in its unedited entirety on their website.

I have free glass replacement on my car insurance. Get the right drill bit. Drill through the windshield from the inside creating a hole underneath the suction cup. No more suction. Device falls off. Report damage to insurance company and get new windshield installed in my driveway the next day.

I’m picturing a small group of 10 year olds in girl scout uniforms roaming the neighborhood, ringing doorbells and saying in perfect unison “WHERE IS YOUR LIGHT MOTHERFUCKER?” Adorable.

I’m waiting for something to come out that this can move to a federal fraud and racketeering case. It takes a lot when the defense can scream discrimination and freedom of religion.

As long as those veterans have their own medical insurance or pay out of pocket to see her.....

But, motivation to do what? Put American forces in the middle of another ground war in the Middle East? Because that is what it would take to end this conflict.