If they don’t have kids in the house I have no problem with it. If they do have kids, I’d add a biometric lock with a strong latch to it.
If they don’t have kids in the house I have no problem with it. If they do have kids, I’d add a biometric lock with a strong latch to it.
Millenial: What are magazines? Is that like a blog in dead tree format?
Mmmmm....cuban style pulled pork.
Gyro would be interesting. It is a lamb meatloaf after all.
Let me know when you’re supporting a family. I haven’t bought anything that wasn’t a necessity in years (except for toys for the kids).
Let me know when you’re supporting a family. I haven’t bought anything that wasn’t a necessity in years (except for…
Sorry, but the mom&pop neighborhood store is just no longer a viable business model. Nobody can afford to pay a 10% premium (or more) on everything they buy because they want to support a local business owner instead of a giant corporation that runs a chain of stores.
Sorry, but the mom&pop neighborhood store is just no longer a viable business model. Nobody can afford to pay a 10%…
Adam Connover told me that the fully electronic voting machines can only be hacked by someone physically going to the machine and plugging in a USB key or other device to load a virus or new software onto the machine. Something that would very difficult to do on any large scale.
However, her focus on the word instead of, you know, the actual racism, portrayed her as neither.
Assuming much? Because I’m not a trained psychiatrist and used an outdated term for the same condition, you sure are jumping to a LOT of conclusions. Other than using the wrong term, I didn’t say anything that Carrie Fisher hasn’t said herself in multiple interviews and writings.
Why should we? The United States instituted free public education for K through high school almost a century ago. Every child in this country, regardless of race, creed or economic condition can attend a public school.
I’m going to need a digital copy of this show. My 4 year old son will be mesmerized by it.
It’s censorship when someone tweets something you don’t agree with and then a whole lot of people attack them by going to their employer and getting them fired.
I love the hipocracy of how SNL says they’re “not allowed” to endorse a candidate, but all their bits since Chevy Chase went after Gerald Ford have had a liberal bias. (Which is fine. They have the right to say and joke about whatever they want. Just be honest about it.)
I have questions.
Carrie Fisher is a recovering drug addict and manic depressive. She’s undergone lots of shock therapy to treat her manic depressive disorder which has messed with her long term memory. She keeps journals and writes these books as a way of making up for her memory problems.
I grew up in Queens, NY, where you can have 4 streets in a row named 69th Street, 69th Place, 69th Lane, 69th Road. basically so they didn’t run out of 3 digit max numbers.
Own, like slavery? No.
I think it would take a federal lawsuit on the grounds of voter suppression, violation of the voters rights act, or something along those lines that goes to the Supreme Court and deems gerimandering illegal for it to change.