
Yup. End congressional district geremandering and make every seat a contested seat. Divide up districts based solely on population density and making each district as close to a square or circle as practical.

I took it as Obama either taking pity on the “flaming turd sack” or caring more for the wellfare of the nation than any political animosity and giving up more of his time in hopes of improving the outcome for the nation.

I agree its bad when EITHER party controls both the White House and Congress.

By making Reince Prebus his Chief of Staff he has signalled that he is moderating his stances and wants to work with Paul Ryan. Prebus and Ryan came up in politics together and are close friends. Ryan has been Trump’s most vocal detractor during the election.(I really thought he was going to force Ryan out as Speaker.)

As hugely biased as the Adam Ruins Everything election special was, you can take heart from one fact that came from it. L.B. Johnson was a HUGE asshole, but also pushed through the civil rights legislation. We’ve had LOTS of presidents who were huge assholes, right from the first handful elected.

That would follow the normal cycle. One party takes the White House and two years later the other party takes the House because their base suddenly got motivated.

You mean she still hasn’t recognised her privelege? Shocking.

That’s exactly how I learned to carve a bird. It’s a little more challenging when the bird is still hot and you’re trying to do it with knife and carving fork. Also when you’re carving a 20+ lb bird in limited space on the kitchen table because every available surface is covered with side dishes, soda bottles, etc.

You sound just like all the Republicans who were sure Obama was going to take away their guns and tax them into oblivion when he took office.

Or that neither the President nor Congress has the ability to nullify a Supreme Court decision?

Would that be the same polling companies that said Clinton was going to win the election?

Democrats like to believe that any person with two IQ points to rub together just HAS to agree with them, because their position is so intellectually superior. So of course anyone who voted for a third party would have voted for them if they didn’t have any other choice.

Its amazing how everyone has bought the bipartisan narrative hook, line and sinker and now find it hard to believe that anyone could possibly have voted against their candidate based on their stance on actual issues. That its impossible to for anyone to disagree on any legitimate basis.

Is there such a thing as a karaoke where you can get the full song playing in a set of headphones? It’s one thing to remember the lyrics. It’s a whole other thing to remember which parts are low and which are high, which verse is soft and which time that exact same verse is really punched out.

As I’ve said in other responses, that is largely because of congressional district gerrymandering which helps the dominant party retain congressional seats, but also controls distribution of electoral votes that are awarded by district. It also effects states that are “winner takes all”.

Maybe if you reply with the same wall of text a 4th or 5th time, someone will actually read the whole thing.

And that goes back to Congressional Gerrymandering. On a district by district basis, the vote is rigged to the dominant party. If the districts were fairly distributed based purely on geography and population density, then those electoral votes WOULD have been cast in a way that reflects the popular vote WITHIN the

That’s how the nation was originally founded. The state governors had as much, if not more power than the presidency. The federal government was limited to regulating interstate trade, foreign policy and national defense.

Have you ever traveled around the country? And I don’t mean that you’ve been to several major cities. Have you been to the backwoods of Nebraska, a small town in Mississippi, a farm in Oregon, etc? The biggest lie we tell ourselves is that we’re all the same just because we’re American. And the biggest lie the Federal

The Electoral College was created so that the States would have equal say in the presidency. Because the country was founded as a decentralized collection of states with limited power to the federal government. It was designed so that populous states couldn’t negate the needs of less populous states.