
Not just that, but they always have some “surprise” problem with the house. Often something anyone who knows anything about houses should have expected. I had to point out to my wife that every episode of a show will follow the exact same format. How many houses are shown, that the first house is always perfect but

Damn it, Jimmy Fallon did this as a very stupid joke that completely fell flat and now here it is a real thing.

I know I’m in the minority, but I don’t think just because someone is a bad person that they should be denied the ability to hold a job.

Sure, it’s like that hour long Adam Ruins Everything voter special that used LBJ as an example of why Trump is bad and then used how LBJ pushed through civil rights legislation despite being an asshole as justification for voting for Hillary.

I think it was the Daily Show that went out and confronted a group of cabbies, all of Middle Eastern or Pakistan/Indian decent on why cabbies won’t stop for black passengers. Their answer? Because black passengers don’t tip.

This is the FBI trying to save themselves from embarrasment.

That jives with the explanation I was told. It’s about energy exchange. Extroverts are energized by social interactions while introverts are drained by social interaction.

We live in a world where a mother was arrested for child neglect because a mother let her daughter ride her bike at the end of her driveway, in a culdesac, while she was inside doing laundry.

If Rice makes a successful bid for govenor or senator in the next 2 years, then she will run for president. But, I think she’s pretty well retired from politics.

I’ve gotten it at BJ’s and wasn’t a fan. It reminded me too much of margirine in consistency and aftertaste.

You just described Kinja, Reddit, and the rest of the Internet. Nobody today wants to hear from people who don’t share their ideology. Anyone who doesn’t subscribe to all the specific tenants of a certain ideology is a “littlebrain”, or a racist, or a moron or a commie or a traitor..... there is no room in modern

What happens is that every single signature on your petition gets scrutinized and thrown out for the slightest reason. All your paperwork get challenged repeatedly by both parties. It’s incredibly difficult to get on the ballot if you don’t have R or D backing. To the point that you don’t see any viable candidates.

It does nothing because people have been taught that it does nothing, because many State laws make it difficult to impossible for third party candidates to run for ANY office and because it costs an estimated $100 million to win a presidential election.

I think there is a highly vocal section of the GOP that are hardcore racist. I think the majority are average Americans. By that, I mean the type that are prejudiced against the balck man walking down the street in hip hop clothes, but will go home and watch Blackish and listen to Beyonce.

She could do well in a primary, but could never win the general election. And she knows it. She’s been generally silent in politics since she left the White House.

This woman could have been the first black female president if she hadn’t hitched her wagon to GWB and been forced to back his policies. Brilliant and capable.

If you watch the documentary where Ermey goes back to Vietnam, he is very self-depracating about the fact that he spent his entire tour at one of the main bases and never went to a forward base or humped gear in the jungle. But, he does show some of the still existing bullet holes outside of where that main base used

That’s kind of a lesson for life. The real bad asses feel no need to prove it to anyone else and are generally pleasant in normal circumstances. Wanna-be’s walk around acting hard and trying to convince everyone else that they are tough all the time.

Until someone got shot at a screening of her movie, there was very little mention ever about that relationship. Then it was like a political come to Jesus moment where they both realized they could use the other for their career.

From what I’ve seen so far, she still hasn’t.