Are the families suing Boeing for making the planes that were flown into the buildings? Because that would be the only possible equivalence.
Are the families suing Boeing for making the planes that were flown into the buildings? Because that would be the only possible equivalence.
Voting by mail is throwing your vote away unless it is a very tight race and one of the candidates demands a recount. Every election they throw out thousands of mailed ballots because one candidate will conceed defeat that night based on the early polling numbers.
I’d bet money he was drunk off his ass and doesn’t remember much of that night or many other nights. Not an alcoholic, just an irresponsible drinker who uses alcohol as an excuse for however he wants to act that night. I think there’s a good chance his memory loss is genuine.
Because it needs to not only be legalized, but regulated. And I say that as a libertarian leaning centrist. The system in Nevada that allows legal brothels is a start. They have regular health screenings and inspections. It’s something that needs to be expanded to individuals who want to work out of their own place.
What we need is to legalize sex work completely. Once it is out of the shadows and decriminalized, then it will be much easier to sort out the sex trafficking from those who have willingly chosen that line of work.
I’d like to see a similar analysis for the Barkley Center in Brooklyn. The area was already a targeted “Business Improvement District”, but the growth increased exponentially after the stadium was announced.
I’m kinda curious about the horticulture here more than the political culture.
Now, normally I err on the side of evaluating each incident in isolation. That an investigation needs to determine the facts before anyone passes judgement.
I know what BLM is, but who are LIA, AVTT, CEE and KER? What causes are they championing. So confusing.
Because he’s not profitable.
In the competition between Used-Douche and Shit-Sandwich, at least a douche bottle can be useful.
Critical thinking is not taught in school. In fact, most curriculum is opposed to it, wanting rote memorization and recital instead.
Manhattan is the only place in the country where renting makes more financial sense than owning.
I was a block away. Cops ran passed me and I heard the gunfire.
He could break the ice by wearing the Tigger costume when her date comes over and then act like its totally normal. And get mom to refer to him as Tigger.
I was talking about the guy with the meat cleaver.
He was shot in the leg and two officers were hit with friendly fire because the NYPD are horrible shots who get very little firearms training. Every NYPD shooting ends up with lots of shots fired, the suspect being hit a few times and at least two other people being hit.
Let me calm your fears. Even if Trump wins, he will be a do-nothing one term president, because Congress will lock him out. Democrats obviously, but also the Republicans.
If France included humanitarian care and rights along with their open door policy, these refugees wouldn’t be in such a hurry to cross into the UK.