Loved the book.
Loved the book.
If you haven’t read it, do:
I had a lot of success with spring loaded snap traps with NO bait. Trick was to understand that mice run along the edge of the walls and between objects whenever possible. Identify possible routes they are using to travel and put the trip mechanism in that path. The traps I used had a big yellow plate, rather than a…
I think most people have a hard time separating Need from Want. Or taking emotional attachment out of the mix. Like when you find what you think is the perfect house for you and trying to stay firm on your offer and what you can afford when the seller seems ready to walk away or take another offer.
There are ways to make your own version of this. I’ve made pocket sandwiches using packaged pastry dough and home-made pizza dough. I once had a device that was like a pannini press that also crimped and cut bread to turn a sandwich into two toasted pocket sandwiches.
He could have run against Bush Jr., but chose not to because he didn’t want to put his family through that public scrutiny and because, in his own words, he didn’t want to be the next president assassinated in office. He didn’t think the country was ready for a black president. He had the popularity post-Gulf War to…
Is your hobby working for the Trump campaign?
Even in my twenties having people look at my face and go “Dude, are you alright? Maybe you should sit down. You look like you’re going to blow a blood vessel.” gets annoying.
Unless, of course, that the R denotes its primary function as an astromech and C denotes it has a different primary function, like communications or protocol. Like C3-PO. C = protocol. It’s an astromech style that has been given the primary function of translating languages and providing protocol information.
I have a relative who has worked in radio and it’s completely true. Even on the classic rock stations, the stations have a set play list that is proven to bring in a steady audience. When they break from that playlist their ratings plummet and ad revenue drops.
How do I deal with the fact that after about ten pushups, all the blood has gone to my head and my face is as red as a tomato? Even when I was working out regularly and it good shape, able to do 50 good form pushups in a set, my face was still beet red.
This will help put it in perspective: The Short Story that inspired November Rain
I’d love to try stir fry, but didn’t think my electric stove top would allow it. And the propane side burner on my BBQ doesn’t have enough space to allow for the diameter of a wok.
“Innocent until proven guilty” is the rule of law. It means the government cannot put you in prison, take away your rights or deprive you of life or property until your guilt has been proven in a court of law. It also puts the burden of proof on the Prosecution. A defendant does not have to prove their innocence, but…
Adults eventually move on to Toaster Pastries with the pack of icing that you squeeze on top in the design of your choice. Flaky pastry goodness.
Can you tell us the best way to escape from inside a highschool locker?
No dice. Not even an apology. This was before I had any social media accounts. Now I would have posted the story all over twitter and facebook and probably get a response.
anaphylaxis is a medical emergency. If my wife’s reaction had progressed beyond hives and causing her asthma to act up, that flight would have had to be diverted to the nearest airport with an ambulance waiting.
I don’t know how Jetblue maintains the highest customer satisfaction rating. The last 3 times I flew Jetblue I had horrible experiences. Paid a little extra to fly Delta last time and it was a huge improvement.
Ideas like this make we wish we had a multi-verse viewing machine that allowed us to look into alternate realities where these things happened. A world where the US went Libertarian after WWII. A world where Europe went Carl Marx Socialist in the late 1800's. A world where the American Revolution never happened and…