
Some police forces have been doing one day seminars where they put volunteer citizens through a simulated police academy. Part of that “training” is putting them through a “Shoot/ Don’t Shoot” scenario where you have to confront someone and don’t know if they are going to pull out a gun or a cellphone or a knife or

The first two episodes are SLOW with lots of character and story set up. It pays off later.

Appreciate that. I’m not really a wine drinker.

It takes about one hour to burn off the alcohol from one drink (one shot, one beer, one 8oz glass of wine). My rule of thumb if I plan to drive is one drink per hour and then not drink at all for the last hour. If I’m not driving then that is one extra drink before leaving.

Clinton has a fine voice when she is debating, giving interviews, being questioned by Congress, giving a press conference, etc. But when she gives a prepared, pre-written public address, she uses an unnatural cadence where every word is building on the previous to reach a crescendo at each punctuation. Some people

Not thinking. Bullshit arguments get overly emotional and you just need to walk away, but you’re in a car and can’t. And it keeps building and building...

The newer Disney stuff is a huge improvement over the old stuff. Sophia the First is a solid story with an intelligent, compassionate and brave heroine.

In US parks, predators can’t get anywhere near the vehicles. The monkeys will rip your car apart, but the predators can’t get near it.

I’ve been on many commercial construction sites and have rarely seen painters tape being used. Usually it’s being used where they are transitioning colors without there being a molding or other physical demarcation. Or to protect something that can’t be painted and would be difficult to clean, like a smoke detector.

A tip I learned from a professional painter, don’t use painters tape. Instead, only put paint on ONE side of your brush. Then all you need is a steady hand to neatly edge along molding, ceilings, etc. The clean side of the brush runs along the other surface while the wet side lays a neat line of paint.

I need to know if that is mozzerella. Then I would try it.

People need to live, not just exist. Yes, it a purely rational way, they should give up all creature comforts in order to build up savings and be able to buy necessities at sale and bulk prices while building up a small emergency fund. This is however completely unreasonable as people still need to have some enjoyment

One day I am going to take sailing lessons. When you get your boating license, you can then rent a 30 foot sailboat for $150 a day. If you get the higher level license (recognised by the US Coast Guard), you can rent a 75 foot sailboat with a cabin for $400/day and take a weekend cruise. For the handful of times per

For a lot of people, their poverty is inherited. If you are born into a poor family, your chances of making it into just the next highest economic bracket are slim.

It was on the Gawker front page. Never looked at the date. I think they must have bumped it as part of Sam Biddle leaving Gawker.

Tomahawk or go home.

Is this really so hard to understand? UK has NEVER gotten along well with continental Europe. Even after joining the EU, the UK kept the Pound and rejected the Euro.

Noone made the obvious reference?

Stream of Unconciousness.