I canoe help you with that.
I canoe help you with that.
So, Sam B continues to massage the facts to fit her agenda. 4 bills. 2 introduced by (R) and voted down by (D) for “not going far enough.
Don’t be. I had considered that an equally plausible explanation was that the abuse had turned him completely asexual and a perpetual man-child with Peter Pan Syndrome. With all the rumors that he did not fathered his own children, never slept with his now ex-wife or any of the surrogates who bore “his” children. That…
Discussion is needed when the facts are known so that action can be taken that will have a measurable impact.
We have to take off our shoes because someone put a completely ineffective bomb in a shoe. It could never have done any real damage. Even with military grade explosives in the sole, it would have made a small hole that the aircraft could have survived.
I have ZERO problem with a racially, religiously, and whatever other categories integrated school for my children.
The first cop who comes up to him after he sits up puts a hand on the guys shoulder and lookes like he’s giving a “hey dumbass, are you alright?” speech when the motorcycle cop comes over and starts putting him in cuffs. The cop who made the tackle basically stands there and doesn’t follow up when he easily could have…
Damn it, they ignored my idea! (Of course they did.)
The way to fix low paying factories in developing countries is NOT by protest until those factories are shut down and the work moved elsewhere. Which is what happens when these protests get any traction. All it does it put people out of work.
If you want to be generous, this lawsuit is going to force the federal government to create a legal definition of gender in order to support their assertions that gender protection is a civil rights issue. Current law only defines male and female as a binary issue. Anything more nuanced is beyond current written law.
I can only assume he thought he was immortal.
When you’re a one-note talent, it would probably be good to make sure that one note isn’t homophobic. Stick to the very tired pot humor. Your audience loves it.
We need to get going with genetic uplift immediately so the dogs can talk and tell us what they feel. Then we can create doggie safe spaces for them.
Wasn’t the point I was making.
Nothing, unless your the leader of a great movement and you greet the young ladies who come to call on you to ask them if they’ve had a good cleansing and offering to help them experience it.
The only hard number you can put to that is that only about 17% of the entire military stay in from joining to retirement.
Maybe one day society will mature to the point where we can look at the positive and the negative of individuals without having to throw out the entirety of a person’s legacy for one failure on their record. People are flawed. There are no heros. If you dig deep enough into ANYONE, you can find grounds to reject them.
Trans-women are even better candidates. They still have a y-chromosome and don’t menstrate.
That’s one of the biggest, long-standing biases against people in the military. That the majority are economically disadvantage, poorly educated people who had no other options available to them. Meaning that the military is populated by society’s losers.
Find the production art for the movie that was done long before any actors were cast and you’ll find those characters were always intended to be blue (Ok, I think I saw one version where they were green.) It wasn’t done in response to the casting choices.