
Look at the crowd. That is then a sea, a veritable ocean, of nerds. The only difference between Christie and that mozaic of middle-aged white men is that he didn’t take off his tie. I see sports coats, blazers and dress shirts from edge to edge. With just a few flannel shirts sprinkled in.

Will her cabinet half made of women hold Mitt Romney’s binders full of women?

Because a scandel like this could destroy the sport. Sponsors could pull out, TV deals lost, and gambling on the sport would disappear taking a lot of interest with it.

I think she shares about 45 seconds of screen time with Chevy Chase in that movie. Just the scene where he’s trimming the tree in the yard and the yuppy couple just got home. And they’re not even in the same frame. All the yuppy couple scenes could have been filmed by a 2nd Unit.

The maze-like layout of most stores is also a security design. You’ll notice that in stores like Best Buy, the really expensive items are in the back of the store and there are only one or two straight aisles from the back of the store to the doors. This gives Loss Prevention plenty of time to lock the doors as well

There are certainly people who think like that. Women who just want a rich guy to support them and guys who just want a professional model who is good in bed.

1. It’s Twilight Fan Fiction that replaces vampirism with fetish. The first book story is beat for beat Twilight.

Harlequin Romance novels are chick porn. Because women want story and context to be stimulating and men are visually aroused.

Three years later and you should do a follow-up on some of these articles. Chuggingon the trainees have all graduated and been assigned to real jobs while they’ve added new trainee characters. So now you have the core three messing up their real jobs and learning lessons while new trainees make the same mistakes the

In the new episodes, there is an evil mayor from a neighboring town who has a team of evil cats that work for him. Because the show needed more drama?

Yes, they did. Both died several times. Xena died for while and was replaced by her reformed enemy because Lawless had suffered a serious injury.

Impossible on NYC roads. The roads are already stressed to capacity and beyond with people tailgating in all three lanes.

Yes, because the existing US electrical infrastructure can’t handle the additional load that would be generated by adding all these loads. It will eventually require massive investments in infrastructure upgrades just to get power to all the houses and parking lots. Then there will eventually be a need to build more

Finally, someone in a position of authority calling bullshit on all the “green” claims. Sure, it’s zero emissions as long as you don’t count the emmissions from the generating plant.

And this is why the article is on Jezebel and not IO9. It does NOT say bagels will give you cancer. It does not even say that a high glicemic index will give you cancer. It says a high glicemic index correlates with doubling the risk of contracting lung cancer. The source of lung cancer is still SOMETHING ELSE LIKE

I think most bands are “just fucking off”. They take their music incredibly seriously, but literally everything else is just a party. And everyone they meet is just a guest dropping by at their party.

One personal experience doesn’t speak for all the other assholes. Just ask Nicole Brown Simpson.

The focus should be on addressing that situation. Better support structure, better protection, better police action and enforcement of restraining orders, etc. Not trying to take guns away from everyone because some assholes are willing to commit murder. Cause if an abuser will kill her with a gun, he’ll kill her with

How about they get rid of the abusive boyfriend or husband and keep the gun?

My three year old stands on the baseboard heaters and unlocks the doors when we say we’re going out. Being helpful. Been taught very seriously NOT to open the door without mommy and daddy.