
The personal space one, not so much. Personal space is also very cultural. Many cultures have a definition of personal space that most Americans would find uncomfortably close.

My favorite review I’ve seen so far was “It’s like a porn parody without the sex.”

Regardless of what anyone SAID, physical violence isn’t justified. Isn’t that what everyone is taught today starting in kindergarten?

It’s called Check & Balances. Congress and the Supreme Court keep the White House in check.

The best part of that skit was when Chris Rock turned to Lois Gosset Jr. and yelled “Hey Lois, except you. You got diebtese. You can’t have cookies!”

Diet has become a buzz word for a lot of crap like Atkins and others that try to teach to not eat certain foods or eat certain foods in certain combinations, and that is all crap.

For a LONG time, Weight Watchers was the only diet program endorsed by the AMA. It is the only popular diet program that basically says eat whatever you want as long as you eat it in moderation.

Everyone is focused on the casting, like this was somehow a good movie if only the cast were brown skinned. It looks like a terrible movie from the ground up. It has NO redeeming qualities at all. The FX look barely worth of a video game. The plot is a bastardized attempt to cross real Egyptian mythology with Stargate

Building homes for gnomes is a terrible idea. Especially when local government gets involved.

The Admiral was to Perot what Palin was to McCain in 2008.

I don’t think even a trained mental health professional can diagnosis him based on his public behaviour because I think the vast majority of it is an extremely calculated performance. In other words, he’s faking most of it because it gets him publicity and it doesn’t negatively impact his album or ticket sales.

edible body paints or liquid latex would be much more fun.

Definitely projecting.

It’s not an apology, it’s a root cause analysis. He’s still guilty of involuntary manslaughter for not observing basic safety and negligently discharging his weapon. Understanding the root cause is how you improve to prevent the next tradgedy.

Two Words: Income Tax

See, once you start down that road, you can justify just about any intrusion into people’s personal lives. Sexually transmitted diseases will send you to the hospital too, so let’s make it against the law to ever have sex without a condom. Soda makes people fat and that leads to all kinds of health problems, so let’s

FDA sets standards, including the standard for pasteurization. If you want to label your milk as pasteurized, you have to meet those standards and pass regular inspections. Anyone going to the store who wants to buy pasteurized milk should be fully confident that the label on the carton is accurate.

I notice you say American men, inclusive of all races. I’d always heard that there was a prejudice among American blacks against darker skin tones than their own. Makes me wonder how much that plays into this. Sounds like a lot.

Not entirely. I’m a moderate who has never registered with any political party. But, on paper lean libertarian.

And when Officer Bar Brady learned to read, the first book he read was Atlas Shrugged. He declared it a piece of crap and vowed to never read again.