
Economics: The longer we put off doing something about climate change, the more it’s going to cost us. Whining about how much it’s going to cost us now it only going to make it cost more later, unless you plan on being dead soon and don’t care about future generations. 

No, that guideline doesn’t necessarily always work either. Source: the first time my wife and I flew home after having our baby, in which we had the early flight in the morning and still made sure to arrive two hours early because we wanted extra time to deal with the chaos of flying with a baby for the first time.

The current chargers that can charge multiple devices still need you to place your multiple devices at specific spots on the mat to work. This was announced as having the advantage that you could drop your devices anywhere on the mat and they would charge. That was the hook that was supposedly going to get people to

Normally companies figure out if something will work out before including it in a major announcement. Or promising it on product packaging for a year and a half. 

My wife (/borat) got me one of these for Christmas a year ago. While it’s certainly overpriced, it’s far from pointless. It’s nice to be able to take your time drinking a growler a glass at a time over a week or two instead of needing to drink it quickly before it goes flat after breaking the seal. 

Stone said he did not recognize the image at first and when he examined it later and researched it he said it was a Celtic symbol.

It’s for a person that wants a tablet-sized screen when they’re at home on the couch, but also wants something that fits in their pocket on the go, but doesn’t want to have to charge two devices to make it happen. Seems pretty reasonable to me, although not at that price or until they’ve had a couple generations to

Then what is his goal? He’s already filthy rich, so the money isn’t a big deal. He’s already got social influence to spend, so that’s not really a draw. The amount of social and financial capital he’s expending outweigh what little he’s getting.

Not much of an article that way. I replaced my iPhone and Macbook with Pixel and Chromebook and everything was fine. The end. 

Use OurGroceries. Once you arrange your items in the list in store order it remembers the relative order of the items. So anything you’ve put on the list before (aka most of the stuff on any normal trip) will already be mostly arranged once you add them. No need to reorganize the whole list every time. 

Maybe don’t use a fucking one off screw or, if you need it, make sure a supply chain can support it. Nothing to do with frucking tool makers.

They don’t think anyone wants to see something in non chronological order, they don’t care what you want. They want you to keep using their platform and never leave it. And it’s not a coincidence that all these social media sites have determined non chronological order is the best way to do it.

It’s here that you’ll find the biggest differences between AirPlay and Google Cast. Google Cast just needs an Android device or Chrome browser. 

If you’re going to take the time to do some original reporting, at least take the time to ask them an original question. Original reporting isn’t very original if you’re going to ask the same questions that have already been asked and answered. Try to find out something we haven’t already learned in past public

I have my smartphone that I take with me everywhere because it fits in my pocket. I also have a tablet that I use at home, because the bigger screen is more convenient for surfing the web/browsing social media/watching shows. But this means I have two devices I have to charge, two devices to install apps and sign in,

Casting audio is easier than Bluetooth audio, particularly if you want to group multiple speakers, so this was an attempt to replace basic Bluetooth audio dongles with something simpler. The problems are that (a) the Bluetooth audio dongle market wasn’t that big to begin with, and (b) it’s getting smaller as people

Who said it had to be Google based? And who wants to have to use different chat apps for different people? You are going off on a lot of tangents to avoid the main point, which is that there are plenty of apps that can do everything you actually use on iMessages and do it cross platform. The only reason anyone uses

Android users I know also SMS between each other since setting up hangouts is an additional step.

No, you dumbass, there are plenty of ways to contact stupid fucking Android users. That iPhone users decide to use one that drops to SMS for anyone that doesn’t have the same phone as them says a lot about iPhone users. 

Android users only need to use SMS because it’s the only way to contact stupid fucking iMessage users. Stop insisting on using a messaging platform that uses SMS for anyone that doesn’t use the same phone as you and Android users will stop using SMS.