
Stone said he did not recognize the image at first and when he examined it later and researched it he said it was a Celtic symbol.

Then what is his goal? He’s already filthy rich, so the money isn’t a big deal. He’s already got social influence to spend, so that’s not really a draw. The amount of social and financial capital he’s expending outweigh what little he’s getting.

Use OurGroceries. Once you arrange your items in the list in store order it remembers the relative order of the items. So anything you’ve put on the list before (aka most of the stuff on any normal trip) will already be mostly arranged once you add them. No need to reorganize the whole list every time. 

If you’re going to take the time to do some original reporting, at least take the time to ask them an original question. Original reporting isn’t very original if you’re going to ask the same questions that have already been asked and answered. Try to find out something we haven’t already learned in past public

Why would the Dems agree to this? All this seems to do is keep the government running just long enough for Trump to be able to blame the Dems in the House the next time a shutdown is looming.

I think you’re taking the advice too literally. Size shouldn’t be the only factor, otherwise everyone’s best house be several hours away from the city in some rural field where the land is cheap. But, all else being approximately equal, you’re a lot less likely to need to go house hunting again in the near future if

Both of my children had a phase at ~7-8 month where they stopped sleeping through the night and, after rocking them back to sleep, would start crying again the second we set them back in bed until we held them and rocked them some more. Eventually, after getting doctor recommendations because we were going insane

If the costs are a huge anchor on your finances for 30 years, it’s not a house you can afford. In the mean time, no one has ever complained about having too much space in their house, but plenty of people have had a hard time finding a place to put all their stuff 5 years down the line. 

Did he actually pledge to refuse fossil fuel executives money? Or did he pledge to refuse corporate donations? I’m genuinely curious, because don’t remember him specifically pledging to refuse money from fossil fuel executives. I thought he was refusing all corporate money and funding his campaign with grassroots

“I only hire the best people” - Trump

This still seems overly complicated and not particularly more fair than the current system. It still caps the amount of compensation student-athletes can receive at way below what the best are worth to schools. The easiest way to improve the system is the Olympic model, which I’ve seen posted by Andy Staples.

Wasn’t “Let’s civilize the savages” the reasoning the British used to build their empire hundreds of years ago? We’re going back to that?

Yeah, I was initially worried when I got a Pixel 2, even though I already had bluetooth headphones. But now any time I use wired headphones I get annoyed at being tethered to something and figuring out what to do with the cord. And keeping them charged is a non-issue in my real life use. 

Wait, does honorary dad think that getting up at 9AM on the weekend is getting up early? If he really wants to be an honorary dad, that’s gotta be at least a couple hours earlier. I’m think it’s physically impossible for me to sleep in until 9AM any more because it’s been years since my kids let me sleep past 7. 

Winamp, the classic music player best known as a Windows-first alternative to iTunes"

As for the future of abortion rights, Collins argued that Kavanaugh promised her that he would respect Roe v. Wade as settled precedent.

It’sa web site on the internet - if the traditional news sites die other web sites will pop up to replace them. And the new ones will probably look a lot more like The Athletic than the monstrosities that are your average newspaper web site. And that will be great.

I’m skeptical of the long-term sustainability of The Athletic, but I can’t understand why anyone (besides competitors getting raided for writers) would want it to fail. As more and more sports sites resort to clickbait articles on pages deluged with ads, I would think normal people would want a site that focuses on

From what I’ve heard, app developers still usually get more revenue from iOS users than Android users despite iOS having a smaller worldwide market share. Apparently the average iOS user will spend a lot more than the average Android user? But until that changes, iOS will still get priority.