
I’m still looking forward to the day that Starbucks turns their drive-thru lane into a online-order pick up lane only. It would make their preorder function so much more convenient if you don’t have to find a parking spot and run into the store just to grab your drink off the counter.

Before each upcoming flu season, scientists at the World Health Organization play a guessing game, trying to predict which strains of A and B flu viruses will most circulate in the environment. The seasonal vaccine confers protection against three to four of these strains.

He’s not against Trump. He’s just mad Trump is making all the xenophobic bigotry so obvious. “Respectable” Republicans just covertly dogwhistle bigots while leaving outs for plausible deniability when accused of using racism to attract votes. Trump overtly appealing to bigots makes it impossible to deny, and that’s

Any word on what tulip bulbs are trading for currently?

You can totally transform the look of Android on Pixel phones too, but you need a third-party launcher.

Why would I want to move to a shithole country like the United States?

What are these courses like? It seems amazing to me that no one would notice the leader of the race going into the bathroom and not coming out for several minutes every lap. Are they really out of sight that long? No one monitoring the course?

This is the only gadget to wind up on both the best and worst list.

Acceptance <== And here we are

This is a pretty eat-out-a-lot-and-shop-for-two kind of solution that strikes me as a narrow perspective.

OK, but they still have to have some sort of connection from before The Force Awakens, right? Or why else would Kylo Ren have the the big reaction when Finn is on the run with a girl from Jakku? Plus, why else would he know enough about her to know who her parents are?

The fact that the bag fees isn’t disclosed earlier in the process is BS, but I just don’t know how this helps the donors.

Android has had some stuff like this before - you could track your data usage per month in the network settings, and the app info had data usage for each app. This new app just combines it all into one easy to use interface instead of having it hidden all over the system settings. 

From my experience, American wrestling (at least high school) isn’t really double-elimination. Once you lose once you’re eliminated from the championship, and the consolation bracket is for determining 3rd place on down. And you can lose more than twice depending on how exactly they want to determine the last few

I’m looking at the non-gray responses, and I see zero digs at Apple. All of the digs I see are about the different standards applied to Apple and non-Apple products by this site. The AirPods review doesn’t even mention that Siri doesn’t work with the Pixel and quick pairing doesn’t work with Samsung phones. So why is

This might be a little annoying to get used to, but it’s probably for the best. Holding your smartphone too close to your face can cause eye strain and even headaches, according to one study. So in this case, maybe Apple does know best.

There is some rational logic behind it. Currently iPhones get priority and better support than Android phones for apps and accessories because they generate more revenue for companies. It’s not as bad as it was five years ago, but it’s still there. If more iPhone users switched to Android, maybe the Android would get

I remember getting this email back when I was in college, and I graduated in 2003. That was in the middle of the viral email era, by 2011 I’m sure this was shared on Facebook a gazillion times by people that used Obummer without irony.

You can’t tell me that white suburban dads won’t love this.