
Compared to Google Wallet, which has always been useful but never broadly adopted by retailers or users, this shift—while a little confusing—at least means Android users will be able to pay with their phones as well as enjoy Google Wallet’s other benefits at the same time. Hit the links below to learn more.

Not if it’s from Amazon. I thought about getting a relatively cheap Kindle Fire back during the giant sale, but I had second thoughts when I realized the implications of not coming with Google Services. It’s one thing to be stuck limited to getting apps through Amazon instead of the Google Play Store, but even getting

But what Android user would consider paying premium for an Apple Watch that when it have very restricted functionality on Android compared to Android Wear watches? Anyone that in the tank for Apple would already have an iPhone.

Counterpoint: They may be ugly (although apparently I’m an old man, and I had no idea so many people thought they looked stupid until I saw other comments like this recently), but they are convenient. They fit in a backpack just fine, and there is no cord to deal with getting all tangled up. No wires to catch on

Because it’s pretty nice when it works correctly on other phones. Having to turn it off negates one potentially useful feature if it worked correctly.

If you carrier has conditional call forwarding, then you can set it up to have someone highjack your calls that go to voice mail. That is how I got Google Voice working on Cricket, and I’m assuming most other carriers work the same way. Apple can just do something like that to forward to Siri.

They probably can read this, but a handful of comments on a tech blog aren’t a representative sample. I’m guessing actual data shows that the average consumer prefers larger screens, so Motorola is going to sell more phones targeting them rather than a few Gizmodo commenters. Sadly that’s the way it’s going to be

OK, so nothing is ever going to be as “efficient” as leaving everything in the main inbox forever. But if you ever wanted to actually keep track of the emails that still require attention without needing to do it all by memory, Inbox makes that super easy. If you could use Inbox.

The unread ones are because I get all the helpdesk queues, nobody else pays attention to most of them but I end up catching important things here and there because I pay attention to EVERYTHING

Another reason it probably won’t be discontinued: It seems to be just a different interface for Gmail, not a whole separate service. So as long as it just piggy backs on the same back end as Gmail it’s not taking up that many resources that would make it a target for demotion.

As someone that uses IFTTT mostly for notifications and reminders, are there any advantages to Hooks that would make it worth switching to from IFTTT?

We actually were thinking portable DVD when we passed on the in car system, but by the time our daughter got old enough we just got a Nabi 2 for relatively cheap. Our son is just getting old enough that we might need another. Either way, portables are way cheaper than an in car system and we won’t have to worry about

But tablets though. When I was getting a family car, it cost thousands of dollars to add on an in-car DVD system. You can get the kids individual tablets for much less then that, and then they can watch what they want instead of fighting over what everyone will watch. And you don’t have to keep track of DVDs.

I’m sure you, a person who comments on tech blogs, are a well-informed consumer who has valid reasons for purchasing iDevices and would never allow the media to influence your decision. But people like you are overwhelmed by the people that heard the guy on the radio talking about how amazing the new iPhone is and

While I’m sure that’s the primary reason, I’m thinking more about what led to that market share advantage. If Apple didn’t have such unquestioning praise in the media, would as many high-revenue users still be buying Apple products instead of Android? So if we can dispel the notion that Android is somehow inferior,

Frustration, mainly. Apple constantly receives fawning press coverage while Android users are treated like second class citizens (look, more software that is coming to iOS first and Android... eventually). That second class treatment gets especially frustrating when the Apple gets praised for things we’ve been doing

Locking down accounts after millions of incorrect guesses would have prevented it too. But then you can’t blame the user.

Apple: It Just Works. Unless something goes wrong, then it’s your fault for not switching away from the defaults security measure that we failed to protect from brute force attacks.

I started playing Ingress back when it first came out because it billed itself as a way to go out and explore the world. But after advancing through a few levels (I got to level 5 or 6) I got sick of the game because the key to advancing was less about exploring the world and more about finding portals near you and

That’s a whole bunch of meh, except Google’s version of Photos comes with free unlimited high quality backups.