
I'm pretty sure 99% of your problem here is the type of phone that you are trying to root/ROM. Subsidized Verizon phones are notorious for not having unlockable bootloaders, starting with the S3. Without an unlocked bootloader, achieving root always involves some sort of hack, and installing a new ROM is impossible.

As far as I can tell, they didn't also do this in the opposite direction for some dumb reason. I still have to go through a myriad of menus if I want to turn the media volume up or down *before* a video starts playing. I always thought it was stupid to not have a volume shortcut in the quick settings menu for this

Because, like it or not, the Apple Watch will be way more popular than the more competent Android Wear/Pebble watches. I'll be shocked if the Apple Watch doesn't massively outsell all the Android Wear/Pebble watches combined. Apple is way better at marketing their products (how many people even know about Android Wear

The good news is that it's easy to tell Google Now that you don't want any more notifications from that app after the first one pops up. The same way you can disable all the other Google Now cards you don't like.

I think the UI is to the Apple Watch is weird (if your watch needs a crown so users can scroll and/or zoom, you're doing it wrong), and the prices seem way too high (and I'm not even talking about the gold watch here, that isn't meant for normal consumers). But nothing in the world right now could get me to bet

Is it any different from Glympse? Glympse is primarily about sending your location to some other individuals, but you can set up groups for group location sharing.

My favorite quote from the meeting, from Tom Wheeler: "This is no more a plan to regulate the internet than the First Amendment is a plan to regulate free speech."

I think it depends how you used Gmail. As someone who was always labelling and archiving my emails once I was done with them to keep the main inbox as empty as possible, and had a ton of labels and filters to automate that as much as possible, Inbox seems perfectly designed to optimize the way I handled email. Right

But I think it's a little difference in skill between winning a tennis match against a pro and catching 90% of routine MLB fly balls. I'm pretty sure any average high school baseball player could catch 90% of MLB fly balls (are they really that much different from routine high school fly balls?). It gets a little

If someone wants to reject the facts, that's their business, in a free country.

Yes, my wife got hit with one of these on Verizon. Apparently it came from her submitting her phone number to some dumb Facebook quiz, and the quiz company started billing her through Verizon. Verizon canceled the charges immediately when we called, but it was annoying that it was so easy for the quiz company to just

Yeah, that's the New Mexico burrtio. Meat and/or beans wrapped in a tortilla, smothered in red or green chile sauce (or Christmas!), cheese, lettuce, whatever sprinkled on top.

I am wondering how well NM burritos will fit in with the rest, if 538 manages to make it out here at all. NM-style burritos are quite different the standard burritos in the rest of the country.

And outside the South too - weren't all the Clausens held back multiple years?

I have one of these in both of our cars, and they are great. Only thing I don't like is that the air vents are pretty much the only place to mount them, and then they block the vents a bit. And this makes the phone very hot/cold by the time I reach my destination. But it's only a minor annoyance, and the Spiderpodium

If spacing out the vaccines made a difference, they would do it. But since there is no actual evidence it makes a difference, they don't. They aren't going to change it just because anti-vax concern trolls refuse to give up the ghost now that the autism argument had been thoroughly debunked.

I doubt Chromecast will ever get Amazon. The Android SDK is included in Google Play Services, which isn't included on Kindle tablets. So I doubt Amazon is going to support smartphone/tablet casting that won't even work with their own tablets.

Yet? If a scientific test was going to prove vaccines cause autism, one of the ones already conducted would have found some sort of correlation, but they haven't. As the saying goes, the definition of insanty is doing the same thing over and over and expecting a different result. At some point, you just have to accept

You don't have to know what causes autism (if there is even a specific cause) to know that it's not vaccines. If they did cause autism any of the multiple studies into it would have shown more cases of autism in vaccinated children than unvaccinated children. But they don't, because vaccines don't cause autism. This