
Give up, RAW snobs are RAW snobs. If you don't do a lot of PP, or if you don't print your photos don't sweat it. I use a Nikon D5100 and never print my photos. I keep the pixel size at maximum and the quality at the second highest - JPEG Fine (RAW being the highest) - on computer screens, there is no visible

Not through download by by mostly eBay and through trade with people on message boards. I got mine in DVD form which I think makes them a little nicer than the stuff on Youtube, but if that is the only place something exists, it is better than nothing :)

I actually collect these movies - I have most of the Final Fantasies, Silent Hills, Resident Evils, Metal Gears and some random ones like the Jak and Daxter trilogy and Beyond Good & Evil. Great way to relive the games without dragging out old consoles.


I'm with you Shinta. Kudos for speaking your mind.

It isn't a misunderstanding that he made an incredibly inappropriate and unprofessional outburst. He tainted his release, which is much easier to do when you make a one-man project. Sucks for him, but I lost interest when I read about Fish's behavior.

You miss my point. Obvious Hot Girl is capitalized because there is an element here that is not subjective. When someone writes 5/10, that means ugly. This girl is not ugly. And if you have been paying attention (not sure how long you have been on Kotaku) you would know that this is an absurd and common behavior

What the hell is relational thought?

Fez looked good but the problem with "one-man projects" is that when the guy is a douche I don't want to buy it.

Oh do lets play another round of basement troll Kotakuite calling Obvious Hot Girl "ugly" or "5 out of 10" just to make everyone think they have actually been with a hot girl IRL.

"I guess maybe Anime is giving the wrong impression? "

just goes to show that both companies did well pricing their products. the wrong price (sometimes high or low) can significantly reduce sales.

I live in North America and I have smoking fast internet. I get almost 25mbps and get a global comparison grade of A- at speedtest. This is standard cable internet, pretty cheap.

To answer the title question: they aren't. What is the norm is that bonuses - when they exist - are tied to annual performance evaluations. There is really nothing to see here.

I think this may displace the dead mom Animal Crossing mail story as the most tear-jerking gaming community story. For those who know that one, sorry to have reminded you of it.

Some of us still make trees by hand - SpeedTree is not ideal in many development environments. And trees and foliage are some of the hardest stuff to do well.

My biggest fear is that the hacking scene ruins the VITA's potential like it did for the PSP. SO MANY games were pirated on the PSP. I knew SO MANY people who never bought another game once they hacked their PSP.

Sorry for all the desperate pro-piracy idiots here Shinta. This absurd rationalization will never stop, I'd just leave the conversation, assholes love them some free games.


My new VITA and the few Vita games I bought on launch day (Uncharted, Katamari, HSG) - I do have to say I am surprised at how few Vita articles I am seeing the week of a new console being launched. Am I seeing this correctly?