@resvrgam: There are plenty of successful larger studios that don't adhere to this BS.
@resvrgam: There are plenty of successful larger studios that don't adhere to this BS.
@triforcer: I know what
@Trifanfool: It is for lack of a better word, politics. People are never happy to be happy - they need other people to be unhappy to be completely happy. Again - politics.
No, I didn't. In fact, anything that will help me forget my biggest disappointment of the year would be welcomed.
Fuck people who pirate games. Fuck your excuses. Fuck your inherent hypocrisy of loving video games while poisoning the industry that produces them.
@Cygnus_Mal: Welcome home!
@Zelda did it!: Gamecube was an AWESOME platform. A gamers' console, well built, powerful for it's era, and well supported.
@MonkeyChunks: I'll say it again: I want the RYNO.
@Clutchman83: Nice :)
People suck.
I never have, nor never will "get" what is so fun about smash bros. And boy have I played that game a lot.
@TimeNeverRests (PS1): Only if you choose to. I don't.
@TimeNeverRests (PS1): Are you saying ipods don't support MP3? The specs page on Apple's web site says otherwise (as do I, all my files on my ipod are MP3)
@seepheart: As do us Americans.
@tetracycloide: Close enough for me.
@ihaveabu: No more than PC, and that is managed quite well.
@mean_mr_mustard: I'm with you. Little sprite based games I can open and close in 15 seconds if I need to while waiting in line at the post office=iphone/android gaming for me.
@Batman: It is all legit in terms of perf ability - my concern is trying to play an immersive adventure game on a 4-5" screen with no controller.
Awesome, now Android please :)
@Nerubasasin19: And among speed users, not even close to the record, sadly.